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In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section 144 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and in supersession of the Bombay Foreign Liquor (Storage in Bond) Regulations, 1959, the Commissioner of Prohibition and Excise makes the following regulation, namely :

1 Short title शीर्षक.[View all order & notifications]

These regulation may be called the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Storage and Supply) Regulations, 1964 : 

2 Definitions व्याख्या.[View all order & notifications]

In these regulations, unless the context requires otherwise–


“The Act” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.


“ bonded warehouse” means a place for which license for the storage of foreign liquor without payment of duty is granted under these regulation;


“foreign liquor” means potable foreign liquor of the following kinds, namely;–

(i) Spirits,

(ii) Wines, and

(iii) fermented liquors. 


“Licensee” means a person holding a license in form B. W. I. under the Maharashtra Foreign liquor (Storage in Bond) Rules, 1964 : 


“Officer-in Charge” means an Officer of the Prohibition and Excise Department appointed for the purpose of supervising the operations at a bonded warehouse :


 “to store foreign liquor in bond” with its grammatical variation, means to store, deposit or keep foreign liquor in a bonded warehouse without payment of excise duty of countervailing duty or other fees payable thereon.

3 Construction of bounded warehouse बंदिस्त गोदामाचे बांधकाम.[View all order & notifications]

The building or rooms of the bonded warehouse shall be strongly constructed of masonry or brickwork. The windows of the building or room shall be fitted with malleable iron bars, not less than 19 millimeters in thickness, set not more than 102 millimeters apart, and fixed in the masonry or brickwork to a depth of at least 51 millimeters at each end. On the inside of each window there shall be securely fastened to the bars a stout wire netting, the apertures in which shall not exceed 25 millimeters in diameter. There shall be only one entrance to the building or main room of the warehouse and to each store room, respectively which must open into the warehouse enclosure, and the door of each shall be secured by an Excise ticket lock:

Provided that the Commissioner may, in special cases, relax any of the requirements laid down in this regulation on such conditions and to such extent as he may specify in that behalf.

4 Manner in which foreign liquor shall be stored in bonded warehouse विदेशी मद्य बंदिस्त गोदामात साठवण्याची पद्धत.[View all order & notifications]

The foreign liquor shall not, save with the permission of the Commissioner be stored, deposited or kept in the bonded warehouse, except in full crocked bottles duly sealed or capsuled.

5 Licensee not to store foreign liquor in excess of permitted quantity परवानाधारकाने परवानगी दिलेल्या प्रमाणापेक्षा जास्त विदेशी मद्य साठवू नये.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not store in the bonded warehouse at any one time, foreign liquor in excess of the quantity permitted by the Commissioner under the license in form B. W. 1. granted under the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Storage in Bond) Rules, 1964. 

6 Foreign Liquor not to be removed except under pass पासशिवाय विदेशी मद्य काढू नये.[View all order & notifications]


No foreign liquor stored in the bonded warehouse shall be removed therefrom to any other place except under a pass granted in this behalf and unless the duty, it any imposed under the provisions of the Act, has been paid or a bond has been executed for the payment thereof.


If the licensee wants to remove any quantity of foreign liquor from the bonded warehouse, he shall make an application to the Collector through the Officer-in-charge in that behalf.

7 Receipt or removal of foreign liquor to be under excise escort विदेशी मद्य मिळवणे किंवा काढणे हे अबकारी पथरक्षणाखाली असेल.[View all order & notifications]

The receipt of foreign liquor at the bonded warehouse or removal thereof from the bonded warehouse to any other place shall be under such excise escort as the Collector may direct.

8 Licensee to account for the loss of foreign liquor परवानाधारकाने विदेशी मद्य तोट्याचे हिशोब ठेवणे.[View all order & notifications]

Any loss in the foreign liquor stored in bond or issued therefrom shall be reported to the Commissioner and if it is not satisfactorily accounted for by the licensee it shall be liable to the excise duty and fees at the full rates payable thereon.

Rules NO