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G. N., R.D., NO. 6129/51, dated 15th April, 1954

  1. G. N., R. D., No. 6129/51 (a), dated 21st April, 1953
  2. G. N., R. D., No. EST 3556, dated 14th July, 1956
  3. G. N., H. D., No. SPB-1160/1828(6)-III, dated 3rd June, 1961
  4. G. N., H.D., No. SPB 1160/1828/57-III, dated 14th November, 1962

In exercise of the powers confered  by section 143, read with section 6A, of the Bombay Pohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), the Government of Bombay is pleased to make the following rules, namely :

1 Title शिर्षक.[View all order & notifications]

These rules may be called the Bombay Prohibition (Board of Experts) Rules, 1954.

2 Appointment of Chairman, Secretary and members by the State Government राज्य सरकारद्वारे अध्यक्ष, सचिव आणि सदस्यांची नियुक्ती.[View all order & notifications]

The Board shall consist of 1 (ten) members appointed by the State Government, of whom one shall be the Chairman and another the Secretary. The Chairman and the Secretary shall also be appointed by the State Government.

3 Person shall be qualified to be appointed a member सदस्य म्हणून नियुक्त होण्यास पात्रता.[View all order & notifications]

No person shall be qualified to be appointed a member unless he –

(1) hold any of the following degrees :

M.B.B.S., M.D., Ph. D. (Pharm) : B.Sc., D.Sc., B. Pharm.; or an Ayurvedic degree or diplma conferring the right of registration under the Bombay Medical Practitioner’s Act, 1938; or

(2) has at least five years’ experience in the aggregate as a teacher, professor or principal in an Ayruvedic, pharmacological, pharmaceutical or medical college or institution; or

(3) has at least five years’ experience as a chemist or pharmacologist in a manufactory of pharmaceuticals or drugs.

4 Meeting बैठक.[View all order & notifications]


Every meeting shall be presided over by the Chairman


If at any meeting the Chairman is not present within 15 minutes of the time appointed for holding the meeting, the meeting shall be presided over by such one of the members present as may be chosen by the members present at the meeting to be Chairman for the meeting.

5 All matters of the Board shall be decided by majority मंडळाच्या सर्व बाबींवर बहुमताने निर्णय घेतला जाईल.[View all order & notifications]


All matters coming before the meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting. 


In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman or the presiding authority shall have a second or casting vote.

6 Matters before the meeting of the Board बोर्डाच्या बैठकीपूढील प्रकरणे.[View all order & notifications]

The Chairman shall decide what business shall be transacted by holding a meeting of the Board and what business shall be transacted by circulation to members of the Board and by recording their votes in writing ;

Provided that if two more members express in writing their desire to decide any matter by holding a meeting of the Board instead of by circulation, the Chairman shall place the matter before a meeting of the Board.

7 discharge of Boards functions मंडळाची कार्ये पार पाडणे.[View all order & notifications]

In the discharge of its functions under these rules the Board may consult any person or body it may deem necessary.

8 Recommendations of the Board मंडळाच्या शिफारसी.[View all order & notifications]

The recommendations of the Board shall be forwarded to the State Government in the Revenue Department.

Rules NO