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G. N., H.D., NO. RTS-1164/58612-III, dated 26th February, 1966

  1. G.N., H.D., No. BWR. 1066/21344-III, dated 10th November, 1966
  2. G.N., H.D., No. MSP. 1066/9166-III,, dated 24th February, 1967
  3. G.N., H.D., No. BWR. 1171/937-III,, dated 18th May, 1974
  4. G.N., H.D., No. BPA. 2079/267-VI-PRO-2,, dated 24th March, 1979
  5. G.N., H.D., No. BWR. 0276/1426-PRO-1,, dated 14th June, 1979
  6. G.N., H.D., No. BPA. 1081/21-(V), PRO-2,, dated 6th November, 1981
  7. G.N., H.D., No. BPA. 1081/PRO-2,, dated 8th February, 1982
  8. G.N., H.D., No. BPA. 1081/PRO-2,, dated 7th December, 1982
  9. G.N., H.D., No. BPA. 1088/ II-PRO-2, dated 16th March, 1988
  10. G.N., H.D., No. ARM.. 1096/ 21/4/EXC-3, dated 18th October, 1996
  11. G.N., H.D., No. ARM. 1096/ 21/Part-3/2/EXC-3, dated 8th December, 1998
  12. G.N., H.D., No. ARM. 1096/ 21/Part-III/2/EXC-3, dated 22nd January, 1999
  13. 13 G..O.H.D., No. BWR.. 1101/CR-59 (1), dated 24th December, 2001
  14. 13, dated 24th December, 2001
  15. G.N., H.D., No. BWR. 1105/ CR-6/Exc. 3, dated 30th June, 2005
  16. G.N., H.D., No. MIS. 1107/C.R. 40/II/EXC-3, dated 24th July, 2008
  17. G.N., H.D., No. BWR. 1106/CR-16/MICROBREWRY/EXC-3, dated 10th August, 2009
  18. G.N., H.D., No. MIS. 1109/CR.273/EXC-3, dated 23rd August, 2010
  19. BRL 0811/CR 289 (1)/EXC-3, dated 8th October, 2012
  20. MIS0513/C.R.242/EXC.3,, dated 11th October, 2013
  21. MIS. 0814/C. R. 667/EXC-3, dated 28th June, 2017
  22. MIS-0119/C.R. 26/EXC-3, dated 16th September, 2019
  23. MIS. 0319/CR.92/EXC-3, dated 19th September, 2019
  24. BPA.0819/C.R.146/EXC-2, dated 21st September, 2019
  25. BRL 0620/CR.76(1)/EXC-3, dated 15th June, 2020
  26. BWR-0419/C.R.98/EXC-3, dated 8th July, 2020
  27. BRL-1020/CR.131(1)/EXC-3, dated 7th December, 2020
  28. BWR-0320/C.R.68 (Part-1)/(1)/EXC-3, dated 4th May, 2022
  29. MIS 0417/C.R.59 (part-1)/EXC-2, dated 24th June, 2022

In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (b), (c), (f), (g), (hl), (k), (12), (13) and (u) of sub-section (2) of section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the following Rules, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (3) of the said section 143, namely :—

1 Short Title शीर्षक.[View all order & notifications]

These Rules may be called the Maharashtra Manufacture of Beer and Wine Rules, 1966.

2 Definitions व्याख्या.[View all order & notifications]

In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires,—


“Act” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949;


“Beer” means any liquor prepared from malt or grain with or without the addition of sugar and with hops and includes ale, porter and stout;


“bottling” means transfer of manufactured beer or wine into bottles, casks or kegs for final removal from a brewery or, as the case may be, a manufactory and includes rebutting and refilling;


“bottling room” means that portion of a brewery or manufactory which is set apart for carrying out bottling operations;


“brewery” means a building or place where beer is manufactured and includes every place therein where beer is stored and whence it is issued;


“Brewery Officer” means the Prohibition and Excise Officer appointed for the purpose of supervising the operations in a brewery;


“Chemical Analyser” means the 1[Director, Haffkine Institute, Bombay or Director, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune] or any other officer appointed by the State Government as Chemical Analyser for the purpose of these rules;


“cooler” means any vessel into which worts are passed to be cooled, and includes a refrigerator;


“Copper” means any vessel in which either worts or water is boiled or heated in the course of brewing;


“fermenting vessel” means any vessel in which worts or raisins or fruits are fermented;


“finished store room” means that portion of a brewery or manufactory which is set apart for the storage of finished beer or wine in sealed bottles or other receptacles;


“Form” means a form appended to these Rules;


“gravity” means the proportion which the weight of a liquid bears to that of an equal bulk of distilled water, the gravity of distilled water at 600F, being taken to be 10000 ;


“hopback” means any vessel into which worts are run after boiling in order to remove the spent hops;


“licence” means a licence granted under these rules;


“licensed premises” means a brewery or manufactory in respect of which a licence is granted under these rules;


“licensee” means a person who holds a licence;


“manufacturing room” means that portion of a brewery or manufactory in which the actual manufacturer of beer or wine takes place;


“manufactory” means a building or place where wine in manufactured and includes every place therein where wine is stored and whence it is issued;


“manufactory Officer” means the Prohibition and Excise Officer appointed for the purpose of supervising the operation in a manufactory;


“mashtun” means and vessel in which a malt or grain is exhausted in the course of brewing;



“Racking” or “settling back” means any vessel into which worts are passed from a fermenting vessel and racked either at once or after a time into store vats or casks;


“spirit” includes rectified spirit, absolute alcohol and other distilled spirit not less than 42 per cent. of proof strength;


“Sprit room” means that portion of a manufactory which is set apart for the storage of spirit;


“storage room” means that portion of a brewery or manufactory which is set apart for storing finished beer or wine is vats before bottling; 


“underback” means any vessel into which worts are run either from the mashtun or hopback;


“wine” means the fermented juice of grapes or other fruits or flowers or banana (classified as stem) or beet root with or without the addition of sugar or jaggery, the fermentation being produced by the yeast naturally present on the skin of fruit or added externally and having alcoholic strength not exceeding 42 per cent. of proof spirit; 


“wort” means liquor obtained by the exhaustion of malt or grain in the process of brewing..


"Restaurant-brewery" means a  place adjacent to  or a  portion  of a licence in  Form FL-ll or FL-IV as appended to the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules 1953 or in  Form  E as appended to the Special Permits and Licences Rules,  1952, which is and set apart for the manufacture of beer having capacity of two lakh litres  per annum  five lakh litres  per annum   includes  every  place  therein  where  beer  is  stored  and  whence it is issued to sell either on site in un-bottled and unpacked form or to other licence-holders  holding  licence  in   Form  FL-III  or  FL-IV  or E, FL/BR-II in   packaged form  of  not less than 5  litres and shall be considered as brewery for  the purpose of these rules.

3 Grant of brewery or manufactory licence बिअर निर्मिती कारखाना किंवा मद्यनिर्मिती परवाना मंजूर करणे.[View all order & notifications]


Any person desiring to construct and work a brewery for the manufacture of beer or a manufactory for the manufacture of wine shall make an application in Form BRA. 1[accompanied by a challan evidencing payment of a fee of five hundred rupees for such application] for a licence in that behalf to the State Government through the Director. Where a person desires to construct and work a brewery and also a manufactory, he shall make two separate applications in the behalf. The application shall be accompanied by a plan in quadruplicate containing a full description of the premises and material, utensils, plant and implements or apparatus required for manufacturing beer, or, as the case may be, wine. The applicant shall also submit with the application four signed copies of a statement explaining the process which he desires to adopt for manufacturing beer or wine. One receipt of an application the Director shall forward it to the State Government with his recommendation thereon.


If the State Government is satisfied that the premises, material, utensils, plant and implements or apparatus to be used in connection with the manufacture of beer or wine and arrangements for the storage and issues thereof are suitable, it may grant a licence in Form BRL to the applicant on payment of 2 [a fee (inclusive of consideration) of 3 [forty thousand rupees] for the manufacture of beer and on payment of a fee (inclusive of consideration) of 3 [four thousand rupees] for the manufacture of wine] or may refuse to grant it, after giving the applicant and opportunity to be heard; and inform the Director of the decision. In no case, a common licence shall be granted for constructing and working a brewery and a manufactory. On a licence being granted, the State Government shall retain with it the original of the plan and of the statement explaining the process forward by the applicant and after duly stamping the duplicated, triplicates and quadruplicated thereof with the seal of the State Government,—

(i) Forward the duplicates to the brewery office, where the licence is granted for constructing and working a brewery and to the manufactory officer, where the licence is granted for constructing and working a manufactory;

(ii) forward the triplicates to the District Prohibition and Excise Officer; and

(iii) return the quadruplicated together with the licence to the applicant.

6 [“Provided that, for a microbrewery manufacturing upto two lakh litres of beer per year a licence in FORM BRL shall be granted.”.] 

Provided that, the same licence in form  BRL shall be granted to any person desiring to construct and work a microbrewery or a restaurant-brewery.


No licence shall be granted for a period exceeding 4 [one year] and in no case shall such period extend beyond 31st March 3 [next] following the date of commencement of the licence.

3A Existing Licence Holders विद्यमान परवानाधारक.[View all order & notifications]

on the commencement of the Maharashtra Manufacture of Beer and Wine (Amendment) Rules, 1988, a licence granted under sub-rule (2) of rule 32 for a period of five years prior to such commencement, the period of which does not expire on the 31st March, 1988, shall be deemed to have come to an end on the 31st March 1988 and it shall further be deemed to be a fresh annual licence granted which effect from the 1st April 1988, in terms of the said amendment rules :

Provided that a holder of such licence shall—

(i) within a period of two months from such commencement be required to pay the difference, if any in licence fee, in proportion to the licence fees already paid by him under the sub-rule (2) of rule 3 as it stood prior to such commencement and the renewal fees payable in terms of the said amendment rules;

(ii) be given credit for the licence fee paid by him under the said sub-rule (2) as it stood prior to such commencement and be entitled to refund, if any, due in proportion to the unexpired period of the licence and the renewal fees payable under the amended provisions, which shall be paid to him within a period of two months.

Explanation.—For determining “difference, if any, in licence fee payable in terms of the said amendment rules”, “credit” to be given and “refund if any due” mentioned in clauses (i) and (ii) above respectively, the following method shall be adopted :—

The licence fee paid under sub-rule (2) of rule 3 as it stood before the commencement of the Maharashtra Manufacture of Beer and Wine (Amendment) Rules 1988, being the fee for a total period of five years, a sum calculated by multiplying the number of completed years of unexpired portion of the period of licence as on the 31st March 1988 by an amount equal to one fifth of the total amount of licence fee already so paid shall be treated as at the credit of such licence-holder. If this amount is less than the annual fee as prescribed in the said amendment rules, the licensee shall have to pay the difference between the amount at his credit and the amount payable under the said amended provisions. If the amount at the credit of licensee is more than the annual fee prescribed under the said amendment rules, the licensee shall be entitled to a refund of the differential amount :

Provided further that, where a licence-holder fails to pay the difference, if any, in the licence fee payable in terms of the said amendment rules within a period of two months from the commencement of the said amendment rules, his licence shall be treated as cancelled.]

4 Renewal of Licence परवाना नूतनीकरण.[View all order & notifications]


Any licence granted under rule 3 may be renewed by the State Government for a period not exceeding 1 [one year] on recovery of a renewal 2 [fee (inclusive of consideration) of 1 [forty thousand rupees] if the renewl is for the licence for the manufacture of beer and 1 [four thousand rupees] if the renewal is for the licence for the manufacture of wine].


An application for renewal of a licence shall be made two months before the expiry of the licence in Form BRA. Where the application is for the renewal of a licence to construct and work a brewery it shall be made through the Brewery Officer, and where the application is for the renewal of a licence 3 [accompanied by a challan evidencing payment of a fee of Rs. 25] to construct and work a manufactory, it shall be made through the manufactory officer.

4A Existing Renewals विद्यमान नूतनीकरण.[View all order & notifications]

On the commencement of the Maharashtra manufacture of Beer and Wine (Amendment) Rules, 1988, a renewal of a licence, granted under subrule of (1) of rule 4 for a period of five years prior to such commencement, the period of which does not expire on the 31 March 1988, shall be deemed to have come to an end on the 31st March 1988 and it shall further be deemed to be a fresh annual renewal granted with effect from the 1st April 1988 in terms of the said amendment rules :

Provided that a holder of such renewed licence shall,—

(i) within a period of two months from such commencement be required to pay the difference, if any, in the renewal fee, in proportion to the renewal fee already paid by him under the sub-rule (1) of rule 4 as it stood prior to such commencement and the renewal fees payable in terms of the said amendment rules ;

(ii) be given credit for the renewal fee paid by him under the said sub-rule (1) as it stood prior to such commencement and be entitled to refund, if any, due in proportion to the unexpired period of licence and the renewal fees payable under the amended provisions, which shall be paid to him within a period to two months.

Explanation.—For the purpose of determing the amount of “difference”, “credit” or “refund” referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) above, the method prescribed in the explanation below first proviso to rule 3A shall be followed.]

5 Keeping of Deposit सुरक्षा ठेव ठेवणे.[View all order & notifications]

Every licensee shall deposit with the State Government 1 [either in cash or in Government Securities] and amount of Rs. 10,000 for the due observance of these rules and conditions of his licence.

6 Arrangement of brewery or manufactory मद्यनिर्मिती कारखान्याची व्यवस्था.[View all order & notifications]


The premises of brewery and of manufactory shall be separate.


The licensee shall provide in the brewery or, as the case may be manufactory, separate room or compartments having their grills embedded in cement for each of the following purposes, namely :— (a) Fermentation process;

(b) manufacturing operation;

(c) storage of spirit in the case of a manufactory;

(d) storage of finished beer or wine in vats;

(e) bottling operations;

(f) Storage of finished beer or wine in sealed bottles and other receptacles. No such room or compartment shall be used for more that one of the said purposes.


Every room or compartment in the brewery or manufactory shall be well ventitlated and all the windows thereof shall be securely barred and wire-netted. Every such room or compartment shall bear on the outside a sign-board on which shall be legibly painted in oil colour the purpose for which the room or compartment is used; and every room or compartment shall be provided with excise ticket or revenue lock. 


After the licence has been granted, no addition, to or alteration in, any room or compartment or any of the permanent fixtures of the brewery or manufactory shall be made without the previous approval in writing of the State Government.


All pipes form sinks of wash-basins inside a brewery or manufactory shall discharge into drains forming part of the general drainage system of the premises.


All gas and electric connections within the brewery or manufactory shall be fixed in such manner as to ensure the supply of gas or electricity can be cut off and all the regulators or switches securely locked at the end of the day’s work.


Unless otherwise directed by the State Government in writing, there shall be only one entrance to the brewery or manufactory and one emerency exit and one door to each of its room or compartment. All these doors shall be secured with excise ticket locks or revenue locks during the absence of the brewery officer or, as the case may be manufactory officer. The emergency exit shall be kept closed with excise ticket lock or revenue lock and shall be opened only on emergent occasions.


The licensee shall cause to be legibly painted, with oil colour and keep so painted, on some conspicuous part of every vat, mashtun, underback, copper, heating tank, cooler, fermenting vessels and setting back intended to be used by him in his business, the purpose for which it is intended.


When more than one vat, vessel, room or place is used for the same purpose, all such vats, vessels, rooms or places shall bear distinetive serial numbers.


All vats, vessels and other receptacles shall be placed and fixed in such manner as to ensure that the contents can be accurately ascertained by gauge or measure and shall not be altered in shape, position or capacity unless two days’ notice in writing is given to the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, Manufactory Officer.


All vats, vessels and receptacles shall be gauged jointly by the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer, and the licensee and tables prepared by the Brewery Officer or the Manufactory Officer showing the total capacity of each vessel, in litres or kilograms, as the case may be and the capacity at each centimetre and 2 milimetre in depth. A record of these details shall be kept in a register in Form BR-I.


No vessel which has been altered in shape position or capacity shall again be taken into use, unless it has been regauged by the Brewery Officer, or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer and new tables therefore are prepared by him, if necessary.


The licensee shall provide and maintain in the brewery or, as the case may be, manufactory sufficient and accurate scales, weights and measures and other necessary appliances to enable the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer or such other officer as may inspect the brewery or manufactory to take account of, or check by weight, gauge or measure, all materials and beer or wine manufactured in the brewery of manufactory and provide sufficent lights, ladders and other convenience to enable the Prohibition and Exicse staff to perfrom their duties. 


The licensee shall also provide in the brewery or, as the case may be, manufactory, proper gauge rods, a standerd saccharometer, a thermometer and a hydrometer.

7 Manufacture of Beer बिअरचे उत्पादन.[View all order & notifications]


Beer shall be brewed from such materials as are, in the opinion of the Brewery Officer, of good quality. Not less than 1 [ 20 per cent] by weight of the materials (exclusive of hops) used in brewing, shall consist of malt. No saccharine or cognate articles like sucramine sugarol and compounds of saccharine, sucramine and sugarol or substances which are chemical or artificial products and which furnish the chemical tests of saccharine or hop substitutes shall be used in the manufacture of beer or shall be added to beer at any stage. Wort shall not be brewed of a higher gravity that 1073 at 600 F. Nothing shall be added to the beer after it has been racked and removed to the bottling room. 


The licensee shall keep the total produce of a brewing separate from the produce of any other brewing for a period of twenty-four hours unless an account of the first-mentioned produce is taken sooner by the Brewery Officer.


The licensee shall not mix the produce of one brewing with that another except in his store vats or casks. No such mixing shall be carried out unless previous notice is given by him in writing to the Brewery Officer. He shall specify the quantity and gravity of the work before mixing and after mixing.


All grains in a mashtun shall be kept untouched for a period of one hour after the time specified for the worts to be drawn off and until the Brewery Officer has attended and taken account of such grains.


All worts shall be removed successively and in the usual order of brewing to the under-back, coopers, coolers and fermenting vessels and shall not be removed from the last named vessels until and account has been taken by the Brewery Officer or until twenty-four hours have elapsed after the time when the worts were collected in this vessels.


After the worts commence running into a fermenting vessel, the whole produce of the brewing shall be collected within eighteen hours.


Only pure filtered water shall be used for the manufacture of beer.

8 Manufacture of Wine वाइन निर्मिती.[View all order & notifications]


The wine shall be manufactured according to the formula and the process if manufacture submitted by the licensee and approved by the State Government. 


The spirit required for fortifying wine shall be obtained on an indent in Form BRIND countersigned by the Manufactory Officer from persons authorised to sell our supply such spirit.


The consignment of spirit shall be verified in volume and strength and the receipt of such supply shall be entered in the register in Form BRST.


After the spirit has been received, it shall be stored in one or more vessles or bottles in the spirit room.


Spirit shall be issued from the spirit room to the wine manufacturing room on a requisition form the licensee which shall be made in Form BRQ in such quanitites as are required for the fortification of a batch of wine. All spirit so issued shall, in the presence of the Manufactory Officer be added without delay to the batch of wine specified in the application.

9 Analysis of Beer and Wine बिअर आणि वाईनचे विश्लेषण.[View all order & notifications]


On completion of the manufacturer of beer or wine, the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer shall permit the licensee to take free sample 1 [not exceeding such quantity as the commissioner may by order in writing permit for the purpose] for analysis in the licensee’s laboratory and declaration of the true strength of alcohol.


Any quantity left over after analysis shall be immediately brought back to the brewery or, as the case may be, manufactory and mixed with the main bulk of the batch before it is removed to the storage room or the bottling room.


An account of the quantity used by the licensee for analysis shall be maintained in a register in Form BR-II.


The alcoholic strength of beer or wine as declared by the licensee shall be entered by the licensee in a register in Form BR-III.


Immediately after the declaration by the licensee of the alcoholic strength of finished beer or wine and before such beer or wine is removed to the storange room or bottling room the licensee shall make proper entries in the register in From BR-III.


The Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer shall check the entries, and if they are found in order, he shall initial the relevant entries in the register in Form BR-III.

10 Accounts of transactions व्यवहारांचे हिशेब.[View all order & notifications]


The licensee shall keep accounts of transactions taking place in every fermentation room in a register in Form BR-IV


Each variety of beer or wine manufacture shall be registered and shall bear a distinctive number in the register in Form BR-III. Such register shall also show the quantity of beer or wine manufactured. In the case of wine, the register shall, in addition, show the receipt and disposal of all spirit issued to the manufacturing room from the spirit room.


As soon as a batch of beer or wine is manufactured, it shall be removed either to the storage room or to the bottling room. It shall then be carefully measured into vats in the storage room and accounted for in a register in Form BR-V or shall be so measured in vessels in the bottling room and accounted for in a register in Form BR-VI. The finished beer or wine stored in the storage room shall be removed to the bottling room whenever required and shall be accounted for in the register in Form BR-VI. As soon as a batch of finished beer or wine is bottled, is shall be removed in bottles to the finished store room and accounted for in a registered in Form BR-VII.

9 [“ Provided that, for BRL licensee, manufacturing beer upto two lakh litres per year for sale in unbottled and unpackaged form and holding licence in Form E under the Special Permits and Licence Rules, 1952, as soon as a batch of beer is manufactured, shall remove the said beer to the storage room and the quantity of beer thus transferred shall be measured by a flow metre installed between the fermentation tanks and the storage tanks and shall be further validated by calibrated gauges attached to the tanks. The said flow metre shall be under excise lock and the process of transfer of the beer from the fementation tanks to the storage tanks shall be done under the supervision of the brewery inspector. The quantity of beer thus transferred and measured shall be recorded in form BR-V. The excise duty shall be charged on the quantity thus recorded in Form BR-V. The finished products in the storage tanks shall be removed for ‘on-site’ consumption as and when required.”]


11 Bottling and Packaging बाटलीत भरणे व पॅकेजिंग.[View all order & notifications]


No beer or wine shall be bottled by the licensee except in the presence of the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be the Manufactory Officer or some other officer deputed for the purpose.

1[***]3[“ (2)

 (a) All bottles and packages containing Beer or Wine to be sold in the State of Maharashtra shall bear a label showing the name of the manufacturer, the name of the Beer or Wine, the place of manufacture, the alcoholic percentage, the batch number of manufacture of Beer or Wine, the month and year of Manufacture, the statement “FOR SALE IN MAHARASHTRA STATE ONLY” 7 [statutory warning consumtion of liquor is injurious to health] and maximum retail price 4,6[(inclusive of all taxes and duties).] 5 [“Explanation.––Sales tax on beer or wine sold through FL-II Vendor’s licence issued under rule 25 of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, levied under Government Notification, Finance Department, No. STA-1097/CR-1/Taxation-2, dated the 8th December, 1998 is also recoverable over and above Maximum Retail Price on such beer and wine manufactured prior to the 9th December, 1998 and sold on or after the 9th December, 1998.”]

[(b) All bottles and packages containing Beer or Wine to be sold out of the State of Maharashtra shall bear a label showing the name of manufacturer, the name of Maharashtra shall bear a label showing the name of manufacturer, the name of the Beer or Wine, the place of manufacturer, the alcoholic percentage, batch number of manufacture of Beer or Wine, the month and year of Manufacture and statement “NOT FOR SALE IN THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA”] 8[and the statutory warning consumtion of liquor is injurious to health.] 

(c) A statutory warning “Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health. Be safe- Don’t Drink and Drive” in the format and as prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) from time to time shall be printed on every label of all bottles and packages containing Beer or Wine.


The guaranteed fluid contents of each bottles, cask or keg shall be clearly indicated in bold letters on the label. The Licensee shall submit any pack-size as per consumer demands


All labels required to be used shall be submitted to the Commissioner for his approval. No lable shall be used unless it is approved by the Commissioner.


The bottles to be used for the purpose of bottling beer or wine shall be new or recycled and properly 2 [hygiencally cleansed and washed by an automatic bottle washing Machine The material used for bottles shall be only glass.] 


Immediately after the bottles are filled up, they shall be crown corked and labelled and removed to the finished store room. The casks or kegs shall also be properly closed with bungs, sealed, labelled, and then removed to the finished store room.


The crown corks shall be metallic and shall be firmly fixed in position by a corking machine or any other suitable appliance. The crown cork shall bear the name of the manufacture.]

12 Storage साठवणूक.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall store all beer and wine manufactured and bottled in the brewery or manufactory in the finished store room and nowhere else.

13 Removal of Beer or Wine from manufactory मद्यनिर्माणी मधून बिअर किंवा वाईन बाहेर काढणे.[View all order & notifications]


 (i) On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1), the Brewery Officer, or as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer shall., after ascertaining that the particulars furnished in the application are correct, if he sees no objection, issue a transport pass in quadruplicate in Form BR-IX. One copy (counterfoil) of such pass shall be retained at the Brewery or, as the case may be manufactory on the record of the Brewery or Manufactory Officer, the duplicate shall be sent to the District Prohibition and Excise Officer in whose jurisdiction the place of destination is situated, the triplicate shall be given to the licensee to accompany the consignment and the quadruplicate shall be given to the transporter for production at the railway station, if necessary, for effecting release of the consignment and thereafter, for production before the officer at the place of destination.

(ii) Where the consignment of beer or wine is transported under bond, the transporter shall, on the consignment reaching its destination, obtain the Certificate in Form “ Certificate-1” annexed to Part IV of the pass, duly filled in signed and sealed by the Officer at the licensed premises at destination, and produce it before the Brewery or, as the case may be, Manufactory Officer from where the beer or wine is transported, but in no case shall he fail to produce such certificate before the latter officer within two months from the date of the bond in Form BR-XII.

(iii) On receipt of the certificate from the transporter, the Brewery or the Manufactory Officer, as the case may be shall see whether and less quantity of beer or wine was delivered by him than that was allowed to be transported under the transport pass and report accordingly to the District Prohibition and Excise Officer of jurisdiction. The District Prohibition and Excise Officer, as the case may be, shall take Brewery or the Manufactory Officer, as the case may be, shall take steps to recover the excise duty and fees on the short delivered quantity of beer or wine. When excise dues on the less delivered quantity or where the quantity is delivered correctly, the bond executed in Form XII shall be realised.] 


No beer or wine manufactured at the brewery or manufactory shall be removed therefrom except under a transport pass in Form BR-IX issued by the Brewery Officer, or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer.


No such transport pass shall be issued unless excise duty and transport fee, if any, payable on the quantity of beer or wine intended for removal are paid, and a chalan for the payment is produced before the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be the Manufactory Officer. All such chalans shall be filled serially be the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer,. 1 [In case, where beer or wine is to be transported under bond, the licensee shall execute a bond in Form BR-XII before the District Prohibition and Excise Officer, for payment of excise duty and fees payable on the quantity of beer or wine to be transported, provided that, the execution of the bond may be dispensed with by the District Prohibition and Excise Office in case of any transporter, who has deposited in a Government Treasury a sum which is, in the opinion of the District Prohibition and Excise Officer, sufficient to cover the amount of duty and fees payable by him.]

14 Collection of duty उत्पादन शुल्क वसुली.[View all order & notifications]

The Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer, shall be responsible for the correct collection of duty and fees if any, at the prescribed rate before any beer or wine is allowed to be removed form the brewery or manufactory except in the case of exports or removal under bond.

15 Supervision पर्यवेक्षण.[View all order & notifications]


The Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer shall exercise such supervision as is require to ensure that the materials which go to make beer or wine are used according to the approved formula and process and that no portion of spirit is diverted for other purposes.


The Prohibition and Excise Officer specially empowered in this behalf, by the Commissioner shall inspect the brewery and manufactory and shall submit the notes of his inspection to the Officer specified by the Commissioner. He shall also be responsible for the correct maintenance of accounts and collection of duty by the Brewery Officer and Manufactory Officer.

16 Authority of persons authorised by licensee परवानाधारकाने अधिकृत केलेल्या व्यक्तींचे अधिकार.[View all order & notifications]


The agents, clerks and other persons, who have been duly authorised in this behalf by he licensee, and approved by the Brewery Officer or the Manufactory Officer may enter into and carry out their work in connection with the manufacture during the working hours of the brewery or manufactory. 


Any person duly authorised in this behalf by the licensee any sign all applications and indents for the issue of finished preparations.

17 Regulation of business of licensee परवानाधारकाच्या व्यवसायाचे नियमन.[View all order & notifications]


All transactions pertaining to the manufacture, bottling and issues of beer or wine shall be under excise supervision. The Commissioner may appoint such staff at the brewery or manufactory for excise supervision as is considered necessary and the cost of such staff shall be paid to the State Government by the licesee 1 [quarterly in advance].


The brewery or manufactory shall not be kept open except during the factory hours on normal factory working days. The Excise Supervisory Staff posted at the brewery or manufactory shall not be entitled for a public holiday, if it is not a factory holiday nor that staff will be eligible for overtime allowance for the work done on such public holiday as it is not a factory holiday. On any emergent occasion, the licensee may, with the pervios written permission of the Commissioner, keep the brewery or manufactory open on any factory holiday. In such cases, the licensee shall pay to the State Government overtime charges at the rates, prescribed by the Director from time to time.


The licensee shall conduct his business either personally or by an agent authorised in writing by him in that behalf.


The licensee shall keep the licensed premises and all the goods therein open for inspection and examination at all reasonable times by the Commissioner, Collector, District Prohibition and Excise Officer, Berwery Officer, Manufactory Officer or any other officer empowered under section 122 of the Act. The licensee shall render all assistance in such inspection and examination.


The licensee shall, when so required by the Commissioner, Collector, District Prohibition and Excise Officer or by any officer empowered by the Commissioner in this behalf, give an explanation in writing regarding any irregularities detected at his licensed permises and shall furnish any information regarding the management of the said permises. He shall answer all questions put to him to the best of his knowledge and belief.


The licensee shall maintain a visit-book paged and stamped by the District Prohibition and Excise Officer in which the visiting officers may record any remarks when inspecting the licensed premises. The licensee shall, on the termination of the period of the licence, deliver up the visit-book, the accounts and the licence to the District Prohibition and Excise Officer.


The licensee shall preserve invoices, cash memoranda, permits and other documents relating to the consignments received and dealt with by him for a period of one year after the year to which they relate.


The licensee shall not discontinue the manufacture of beer or wine unless he has given two calender months notice to the Commissioner of his intention to do so.

18 General conditions to be fulfilled by licensee परवानाधारकाने पूर्ण करावयाच्या सर्वसाधारण अटी.[View all order & notifications]


All the manufacturing and bottling operations shall be conducted under hygenic conditions.


all colouring and flavouring substances to be used by the licensee shall be kept on the licensed premises under lock and key, both of the licensee and the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer. A sample from each kind of such substance shall be sent by the licensee immediately on receipt to the Chemical Analyser and no such substance shall be used by the licensee unless the Chemical Analyser has approved the same as suitable for manufacture of beer or wine. If the Chemical Analyser advises that excessive addition of any of the substances sent to him for examination will render the beer or wine injurious, the licensee shall use such substance in the proportion indicated by the Chemical Analyer. In the event of any such substance remaining unused for twelve months from the date of receipt, fresh sample shall be submitted for examination in the same manner.

1 [Provided that, the licensee shall not send the sample from each kind of such colouring and flavouring substances for analysis if such substances are obtained from persons (including companies and firms) manufacturing such substances and such persons are approved by the Commissioner and the person manufacturing them certifies that the substances supplied to the licensee conform to the standards prescribe by or under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and the rules framed thereunder, and that such substances have not remained unused for twelve months from the date of their receipt by the licensee.]

Correct accounts of all colouring and flavouring substances and materials used in the brewery of manufactory shall be maintained by the licensee in Form BR-X. The accounts shall remain in the custody of the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer who shall check them at the end of each day’s work.


The licensee shall maintain accounts in proper forms and register as required by these rules. The accounts shall be written every day which it shall be the duty of the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer to check and attest every day.


The license shall deliver to the Brewery Officer or, as the case may be, the Manufactory Officer not later than the 5th of each month, a retain of transactions of business in respect of the preceding month in duplicate in Form BR-XI. The Brewery Officer or the Manufactory Officer shall sent one copy with his remarks to the District Prohibition and Excise Officer.


The licensee shall abide by the provisions of the Act, and all rules, regulations and orders made thereunder and the conditions of the licence.

19 Commissioner to issue instructions आयुक्तांचे निर्देश देणे.[View all order & notifications]

The Commissioner may issue written instruction providing for any supplementary matters arising out of these rules.

20 Delegation of Power to the Commissioner आयुक्तांना अधिकाराचे प्रत्यायोजन.[View all order & notifications]

The State Government may by an order in writing delegate all or any of its powers under the provisions of these rules to the Commissioner.]


[See rule 3 and 4]

Application for licence to construct and work a brewery to manufacture beer or manufactory to manufacture wine



[See rule 3(2)]

Licence for the manufacture of beer/wine



[See rule 6 (11)]

Register of vats, vessels and receptacles in Brewery or Manufactory of ...............



[See rule 8 (2)]

Indent for spirit for the fortification of wine



[See rule 8 (3)]

Register of transactions in the spirit room of the Manufactory ..................................



[See rule 8 (5)]

Requisition for issue of spirit from the spirit room for the fortification of wine.



[See rule 10(1)]

Register of transactions in the fermentation room (s) of the Brewery / manufactory of ..............



[See rule 10(3) and 11(8)]

Register of operations in the bottling room of the Brewery / Manufactory of ..............



[See rule 10(3)]

Register of transactions in the store room of the Brewery / Manufactory of .............. Variety of Beer/Wine.



[See rule 13(1)]

Application for clearance of Beer/Wine on payment of duty and transport fee from the Brewery/Manufactory of ................



[See rules 13(2), (3)]

Pass for transport of beer/wine as detailed on the reverse



[See rule 18(2)]

Register showing the accounts of colouring and flavouring substances used in the manufacture of beer/wine in the manufactory brewery of ...........



[See rule 18(4)]

Return of transactions at the Brewery/Manufactory of ..................... at ................ during the month of .............. 19



[See rule 3(2) (ii)]

Form of bond to be executed by the transporter before pass is granted to him to transport Beer / Wine in bound from any Brewery / Manufactory.



See rule 9 (3)

Account of quantity of beer/wine used for analysis.



See rule 9 (4), (5), (6) and 10(2)

Register of operations in the manufacturing room of the brewery / manufactory of ...



See rule 10(3)

Register of transactions in the storage room in the Brewery / Manufactory of ...


FORM BRL (AMENDED BY G.N. 08.10.2012)

See rule 3(2)

Licence for the manufacture of beer/wine


FORM BRL (AMENDED BY G.N. 24-06-2022)

See rule 3(2)

Licence for the manufacture of beer/wine


Rules NO