View all order & notifications Forms / Schedules

G. N., H. D., NO. FLR. 1060/22146-III,, dated 16th May, 1963

  1. G. N., H. D., No. FLR. 1060/22146-111, dated 8th September, 1965
  2. G. N., H. D., No. DNS 1362/1516-111, dated 7th July, 1971
  3. G. N., H. D., No. DNS. 0872/64-111, dated 13th November, 1973
  4. G. N., H. D., No. DNS. 1065/40114-111-A (III), dated 30th March, 1974
  5. G. N., No. DNS. 2077-(3)-28-PR, dated 30th March, 1978
  6. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/7-111-PRO-2, dated 4th November, 1981
  7. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/7-(IV)-PRO-2, dated 18th November, 1981
  8. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/7-(IV)-PRO-2, dated 22nd May, 1982
  9. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2082/(III)-PRO-2, dated 12th November, 1982
  10. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1086/77-(I)-PRO-2, dated 14th January, 1987
  11. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1086/77-(IX)-PRO-2, dated 17th July, 1987
  12. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1088/XXI-PRO-2, dated 16th March, 1988
  13. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1088/(8)-PRO-2, dated 10th August, 1988
  14. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2089/(IV)-PRO-2, dated 17th February, 1989
  15. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/III-PRO-3, dated 21st May, 1990
  16. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/I/-PRO-3, dated 8th June, 1990
  17. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/I/-PRO-3, dated 1st December, 1990
  18. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/III-PRO-3, dated 8th March, 1991
  19. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1091/3014-III-PRO-3, dated 21st June, 1992
  20. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1093/II/EXC-3, dated 17th March, 1993
  21. G. N., H. D., No. MLS. 1094/1/EXC-2, dated 9th February, 1994
  22. G. N., H. D., ARM. 1096/21/6/EXC-3, dated 18th October, 1996
  23. G. N., H. D., BPA. 1096/2435/1/EXC-2, dated 28th April, 1997
  24. G. N., H. D., ARM 1096/21/Part-3/EXC-d, dated 8th December, 1998
  25. G. N., H. D., ARM 1096/Part-III/3/EXC-3, dated 22nd January, 1999
  26. G. N., H. D., MLS 1098/27/6/EXC-2, dated 26th April, 2000
  27. G. N., H. D., MPL 5201/CR-21/EXC-3, dated 4th February, 2003
  28. G. N., H. D., MIS 1199/1689/CR-28/1/EXC-3, dated 8th September, 2003
  29. G. N., H. D., BPA 1000/609/CR-3/EXC-2, dated 13th August, 2004
  30. G. N., H. D., VIKAK 0206/CR-2/6/EXC-2, dated 28th December, 2006
  31. G. N., H. D., MIS 1107/CR-40/11/EXC-3, dated 24th July, 2008
  32. G. N., H. D., MIS 1109/CR-273/EXC-3, dated 23rd August, 2010
  33. MIS 0313/CR109 (3)/EXC-3, dated 30th March, 2013
  34. BPA 0819/C.R.146/EXC-2, dated 16th September, 2019
  35. MIS. 0319/CR 92/EXC-3., dated 19th September, 2019
  36. FLR 0620/ C.R 90/EXC-2, dated 6th November, 2020
  37. BPA. 0521/C.R. 61/EXC-2, dated 25th October, 2021

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 143 read with sections 11, 26 (d) and 53 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the following Rules, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (3) of the said section 143 namely :—

1 Title.[View all order & notifications]

.—These rules may be called the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Import and Export) Rules, 1963.

2 Extent.[View all order & notifications]

.—They shall extend to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.

3 Definitions..[View all order & notifications]

—In these rules, unless the context requires otherwise,—


  “Act” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 ;


 “bonded warehouse” means a place appointed by the State Government as a bonded warehouse for the storage in bond of Indian made foreign liquor and includes a bonded laboratory ;


“duty” means “excise duty” or “countervailing duty” as defined in clause (14) of section 2 of the Act;


“duty paid imported foreign liquor” means liquor of all kinds imported into India on which duty leviable under the Indian Tariff Act, 1934, or 1[the Customs Act, 1962] has already been paid, but does not include denatured spirit and articles to which section 24-A of the Act applies;

1 [(4A)

“ duty paid Indian made foreign liquor” means Indian made foreign liquor on which the excise, or as the case may be, countervailing duty under the Act has been paid and includes Indian made foreign liquor which is exempted from payment of such duty;

2 [(5)

“ duty paid Indian made foreign liquor” means Indian made foreign liquor on which the excise, or as the case may be, countervailing duty under the Act has been paid and includes Indian made foreign liquor which is exempted from payment of such duty;


  “Form” means a form appended to these Rules;


 “Import pass” includes a requisition or indent countersigned by the Collector of the importing place or the place of import, as the case may be;

2 [(8)

“Importing place” means any place in India outside the State of Maharashtra to which foreign liquor is to be sent from the State of Maharashtra;


“Indian made foreign liquor” means any country liquor which is declared to be foreign liquor for the purposes of the Act by a notification under the provision to clause

(17)  of section 2 of the Act, but does not include Indian made denatured spirit and medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol;

3 [(9A)

Mild liquor means.—

(a)  mild beer having alcoholic strength not exceeding 5 per cent. v/v which is equiva- lent to 8.75 per cent of proof spirit;

(b)  any foreign liquor other than mild beer having alcoholic strength not exceeding 5 per cent. v/v which is equivalent to 8.75 per cent of proof spirit;


“ place of export” means the place in the State of Maharashtra from which foreign liquor is exported;


 “place of import” means the place in the State of Maharashtra in which foreign liquor is imported;


 “Warehouse Officer” means an officer-in-charge of a bonded warehouse;


   Words and expressions not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respec- tively, assigned to them in the Act.

4 Importer to apply for import pass.[View all order & notifications]

Any person who holds a licence or permit under the Act for the sale or possession of duty-paid imported foreign liquor 1* * * * and who desires to import into the State of Maharashtra (hereinafter referred to as the “importer”) any duty-paid imported foreign liquor shall appby in Form A, for an import pass to the Collector.

5 Issue of pass..[View all order & notifications]

On receipt of the application made under rule 4, the Collector shall make such inquiries as he may deem necessary and if he sees no objection and on being satisfied that the fees prescribed under the Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport) Fees Rules, 1954, have been paid, he may grant the applicant an import pass in Form B. He shall mention in such pass the name of the Officer who shall examine the consignment of foreign liquor to be imported on its arrival at the place of import. He shall then hand over Part II of the pass together with the form “Certificate-I” annexed there to the applicant and retain Part I with himself for his own record.

6 Procedure to be followed by the importer at the exporting place.[View all order & notifications]

As soon as the consignment of foreign liquor to be imported is ready for dispatch from the exporting place, the importer, or his agent shall obtain from the excise officer at the exporting place a certificate in form “CERTIFICATE-I” annexed to Part II of the pass.

7 Procedure in transit..[View all order & notifications]

—Part II of the pass shall be sent along with the consignment while in transit and shall be produced for inspection on demand made by any Prohibition and Excise or Police Officer not below the rank of a sub-Inspetor, or any Revenue Officer not below the rank of an Aval Karkun.

8 Procedure to be followed at the place of import.[View all order & notifications]

.—The importer or his agent shall, on arrival of the consignment at its destination, produce Part II of the import pass and the certificate in form “Certificate-I” before the officer appointed to examine the consignment and named in the pass. Such officer shall examine the consignment and satisfy himself that the seals on the various receptacles and packages are intact and that the number of receptacles and packages tallies with that shown in the Certificate. If the seals are found to have been tampered with, the examining officer shall open the packages and verify whether the contents thereof are in accordance with the particulars shown in the Certificate. If the examining officer finds, on examination of the consignment, that the fees referred to in rule 5 have not been paid in full, he shall direct the importer to pay the difference, and report the matter to the Collector. The certificate will then be detached form Part II of the pass by the examining officer and forward to the Collector for record with Part I in his office. Part II will be returned to the importer for keeping it on his record after taking a copy thereof and of the certificate.

9.[View all order & notifications]

A pass under rule 5 shall be granted on the understanding that the importer shall comply with the laws regulating the export of duty-paid imported foreign liquor in force at the exporting place.

9A Registation of Exporters of Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Beer.[View all order & notifications]

.—Any manufacturer of Indian Made Foreign Liquor or beer having such manufactory or brewery located in a State other than Maharashtra, desires to export Indian Made Foreign Liquor or beer in the State of Maharashtra shall make an application, addressed to the Commissioner for registration. Such application for registration shall contain the following particulars namely :-

(1) Name and address of the applicant. In case of an applicant which is a firm or a company, the name and address of the partners and Commissioners of such applications shall be accompanied with an attested copy of registered partnership deed, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association (latest).

(2) Number, date and validity period of the manufactory or brewery licence, with an attested copy thereof.

(3) Name of the brand, stating whether such brand is a registered trade mark and the number and date of trade mark registration with a copy of trade mark registration with a copy of certificate or registration.

3 [“(3) (i) Manufacturing cost and maximum retail price 6 [(inclusive of all taxes and duties)] 4, 8[* * *] of different packs and brands applied for registration.

5 [“Explanation.—Sales tax on potable liquor excluding country liquor sold through FL-II Vendor’s licence issued under Rule 25 of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 levied vide Government Notification, finance Department, No. STA-1097/CR-1/ Taxation-2, dated 8th December 1998 is also recoverable over and above MRP on such potable liquor manufactured prior to the 9th December 1998 and sold on or after the 9th December 1998.”]

7 [“(ii) Name and address of the agent in the State of Maharashtra with his trade and import licence number and validity”.

[“(iii) Statutory Warning ‘Consumption of Liquor is injurious to health’ shall be printed on every label.A statutory warning “Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health. Be safe—Don’t Drink and Drive” in the format and as prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) from time to time shall be printed on every label.”.]

(4) An undertaking to the effect that the manufacturer undertakes to abide by the conditions of the certificate of registration and the provisions of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949) and rules, regulations and orders made thereunder.

9B Grant of certificate of registration.[View all order & notifications]

: On receipt of an application made under this rule, the Commissioner shall make such equires as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection to grant the registration applied for, he may grant the certificate of registration in From ‘K’ on payment of fees (inclusive of consideration) of rupees Fifty thousand.

9B1 Approval of brands.[View all order & notifications]

—The holder of certificate of registration granted under rule 9A shall apply to the Commissioner for approval of the brands of each kind of liquor intended to be exported for import in the State of Maharashtra. On receipt of such application the Commissioner shall make such equires as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection to approve the brands he may grant the approval thereof on payment of fees as shown below, namely :—

— Rs.

(i)          Every brand of I.M.F.L. having ex-manufactory price                                      5,000

upto Rs. 30 per litre

(ii)         Every brand of I.M.F.L. having ex-manufactory price                                      7,500

above Rs. 30 and below Rs. 70 per litre

(iii)        Every brand of I.M.F.L having ex-manufactory price                                       10,000

of Rs. 71 and above, per liter.

(iv)        Every brand of Beer and Wine                                                                       5,000

Note : This rule came in force from 22-7-1990

9C Duration of registration.[View all order & notifications]

 1[No certificate registration issued under rule 9B and approval of brands under rule 9B1] shall be granted for a period beyond 31st day of March, next following the date of grant of the said certificate.

9D Procedure for grant of certificate of registration 2[and approval of brands] for subsequent period..[View all order & notifications]


Any holder of the certificate granted under rule 9B, who desires to continue such registration after the day of expiry may, make an application as provided in rule 9A atleast 30 days before the date of expiry of the certificate and the provisions of rules 9A and 9B. 3[and approval of brands under rule 9B1] shall, mutatis mutandis apply to the-grant of certificate of registration for subsequent period.

9E Import of Foreign Liquor in the State and Payment of Excise Duty.[View all order & notifications]

– Only such foreign liquor or beer products as are manufactured by the holders of certificate of registration issued by the Commissioner shall be allowed to be imported in the State of Maharashtra on payment of excise duty and fees, prescribed in this behalf, from time to time, in the State.

9F Suspension and Cancellation of Certificate of Registration.[View all order & notifications]

:––The Certificate of Registration may be suspended or cancelled in accordance with the provisions of section 54 or 56 of the Act.”

[NOTE :–Chapter II A came in force from 1st April 1989]

10 Importer to apply for import pass.[View all order & notifications]

:––Any person who holds a licence or permit under the Act for the sale or possession of Indian-made foreign liquor3 . * * * * and who desires to import (hereinafter referred to as “importer”) any Indian-made foreign liquor into the State of Maharashtra shall apply, in Form A, for an import pass to the Collector.

4 [“(2) Application shall be accompanied by statement in quadrauplicate showing the particulars relating to the size of the container, the package and brands of the liquor to be imported with manufacturing cost and maximum retail price of each size and pack.”]

11 Issue of pass.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of the application made under rule 10, the Collector shall make such inquiries as he may deem necessary and if he sees no objection he may,—

(a) where the foreign liquor is to be imported in bond, require the importer to execute a bond, in Form C, with two sureties, for the payment of the amount of duty leviable on the foreign liquor to be imported or a general bond, in Form D which would remain in force for a period of three years, along with two sureties for the payment of a sum sufficient to cover the amount of duty leviable on the total quantity of foreign liquor which may be imported by him from time to time during the period of three years, and on the execution of the bond grant an import-in-bond pass in Form E, 5[on recovery of import fee at the rate of 2[rupees seven per bulk litre for spirits, wines, malt liquor] and 1[rupees two per bulk litre rupees ten per bulk litre for import of rectified spirit and extra neutral alcohol for potable purpose from other States]” and 2,9[rupees four per bulk litre] for ale 7[ mild liquor] beer porter cider and other fermented liquor].

Provided that the execution of the bond under this clause may be dispensed with by the Collector in the case of any importer of known good standing who has deposited with the Collector a sum which in the opinion of the Collector is sufficient to cover the amount of duty payable by him.

6[(b) where the foreign liquor is to be transported on pre payment of duty in the State Maharashtra grant of an import pass in form ‘F’ on recovery of import fee at the rate of Rs. 7 per litre for spirits, wines, malt liquor and Rs. 3 per bulk litre for ale, 7[mild liquor,] beer, porter, cider and other fermanted liquor.

Provided that the duty leviable under the Act on the foreign liquor to be imported has been paid]



Every pass granted under sub-rule (1) shall show the designations of the offic- ers by whom, and the places at which, the consignment of liquor to be imported is to be inspected en route under the rule 15 and examined on arrival at the place of import under rule 16. In cases of import by road, one of the inspecting officers shall be the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the taluka in which the place where the consignment enters the limits of the State is situated. In cases of import by rail direct to the place of import, one of the inspecting officers shall be the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the place where the railway station to which the consign- ment is to be booked is situated.


Every pass granted under sub-rule (1) shall be in four parts. Part I shall be retained on the records of the officer issuing the pass ; Parts II and III shall be sent by post to the Excise Officer at the exporting place with a request to endorse on Part III the quantity of foreign liquor in litres and proof litres issued to the importer and, thereafter to return Part III to the officer issuing the pass. Part IV shall be handed over to the importer or his agent together with the Form “Certificate-2” annexed thereto.


No pass under sub-rule (1) shall be granted unless the foreign liquor is to be exported to the place of import from a distillery, brewery of bonded warehouse in the exporting place. 5[having certificate of registration granted 4[and every brand of I.M.F.L. beer and wine approved] by the commissioner.]

12 Procedure to be followed at the exporting place.[View all order & notifications]

:––As soon as the consignment of foreign liquor to be imported is ready for dispatch from the exporting place, the importer, or his agent shall obtain from the Excise Officer at the exporting place a certifi- cate in the form “Certificate-2” annexed to Part IV of the pass.

13 Procedure in transit.[View all order & notifications]

Part IV of the pass and the certificate shall be sent along with the consignment while in transit and shall be produced for inspection on demand made by any Prohibition and Excise Officer of Police Officer, not below the rank of a Sub- Inspector, or any Revenue Officer not below the rank of an Aval Karkun.

14 Timely intimation of arrival of consignment to be given to inspecting and exam- ining officers.[View all order & notifications]

:––The importer or his agent shall give to the inspecting and examining officers name in the pass at least three day’s previous intimation of the date and hour when the consignment will be ready for inspection or examination, as the case may be, at the places appointed for the purpose and shown in the pass. On receipt of such intima- tion, the officer concerned shall proceed himself or depute another officer to proceed to the place appointed for inspection or examination, as the case may be, to inspect or examine the consignment. The inspection and examination shall be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in rule 15 and 16 respectively.

15 Inspection consignment en route.[View all order & notifications]

–– On arrival of the consignment at the appointed place of inspection, the importer shall produce Part IV of the pass and the certificate to the Inspecting Officer named in the pass. The Inspecting Officer shall compare the numbers, marks and other particulars on each receptacle or package forming part of the consignment with those shown in the certificate issued by the Excise Officer at the exporting place, and in the Railway receipt in the case of consignments sent by rail, and satisfy himself that the seals on such receptacles or packages are intact and that they have not been tampered with in transit. If, on inspection, any receptacle or package is found to have been tampered with, or otherwise damaged, the inspecting officer shall ask the importer to get it securely packed in his presence and after this has been done, the inspecting officer shall rescal such preceptacle or package with his own seal and allow the consignment to proceed, after making necessary remarks on the pass and the certificate and noting thereon the impression of the seal with which such receptacle or package has been re-sealed by him. He shall then hand over to the importer Part IV of the pass and the certificate.

16 Examination of the consignments at the place of import.[View all order & notifications]



The importer shall on arrival of the consignment at the place appointed for its examination and shown in the pass produce Part IV of the pass and the certificate before the Examining Officer named in the pass. The Examining Officer shall examine the consignment and satisfy himself that––

(a) the numbers, marks and other particulars shown on each receptacle or package forming part of the consignment tally with those shown in the certificate issued by the Excise Officer at the exporting place and the note made by the Inspecting Officer ;

(b) the seals on each such receptacle or package are intact and that they have not been tampered with in transit;

(c) the quantity contained in each receptacle or package as gauged by him tallies with that shown in the aforesaid certificate and the note made by the Inspecting officer ;

(d) the number of bottles contained in the receptacles or packages in correct and that they are intact ; and

(e) except in cases in which liquor is being imported in bond or on which no duty is leviable under the Act in the foreign liquor imported and the fees thereon prescribed under the Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport) Fees Rules, 1954, have been correctly paid.


If the examining officer finds on examination of the consignment under sub-rule (I) that the quantity contained in each receptacle or package is less than that shown in the aforesaid certificate ; and the deficiency exceeds the quantity which is allowed as wast- age in the State from which the consignment has been imported, the Examining Officer shall ascertain from the Excise Officer at the exporting place the amount of duty leviable on such deficiency.


The examining offier shall also––

(a) in the case of foreign liquor the real alcoholic strength of which can be ascer- tained by hydrometer draw samples and examine the strength of the foreign liquor contained in each cask, drum or other receptacle ; and

(b) in the case of Indian–made foreign liquor the real alcoholic strength of which cannot be ascertained by hydrometer, draw samples and send them to the Chemical Analyser to Government for checking the strength.

17 Drawing of samples and their disposal.[View all order & notifications]

–– The following procedure shall be observed indrawing samples and sending them to the Chemical Analyser to Government for the purposes mentioned in sub-rule (3) of rule 16 :

(a) two samples shall be drawn from each drum, cask or other receptacle or if the consignment consists of bottles two samples of each kind of foreign liquor ;

(b) a sample shall, be not less than 114 millilitre ;

(c) each bottle of sample shall be properly corked and sealed with the examining officer’s own seal and labelled as shown below :

No. of import pass ....................

Date of import pass ...................

Description of foreign liquor ......................

No. and date of forwarding letter ....................

(d) the sample shall be drawn and sealed in the presence of the importer or his agent; and

(e) the duplicate samples shall be kept under lock until such time as the result of analysis has been received provided that they may be forwarded to the Chemical Analyser if he requires them for replacing the samples sent to him or for a further analysis. The duplicate samples when no longer required shall be returned to the importer or his agent ;

(f) all samples required for analysis under this rule shall be supplied free of cost, by the importer.

18 Deposit of consignment in, and withdrawal from the bonded warehouse in the case of import in bond.[View all order & notifications]


Where the foreign liquor is imported in bond, the consign- ment shall, after it is examined under rule 16, be sent to the bonded warehouse together with Part IV of the pass and the certificate. Particulars of the consignment shall be entered by the Officer-in-charge of such warehouse in the register of deposits and withdrawals which shall be kept in such form as the Commissioner may direct. Where the consignment is of rectified spirit imported for use in abounded laboratory it shall be allowed to be removed to the bonded laboratory and the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of such laboratory shall after entering particulars about it in the register of receipts verify its quantity and strength,. On receipt of the Chemical Analyser’s report, the Officer-in-charge of the bonded warehouse or laboratory shall fill in the various columns on the reverse of Part IV of the pass. The consignment shall then be allowed to be removed from the bonded warehouse under a transport pass on payment of–

(a)    the duty leviable under the Act, on the foreign liquor imported.

(b)    the fees prescribed under the Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport) Fees Rules, 1954, and

(c)    other charges, if any, payable in respect of the consignment.

The Officer-in-charge of the bonded warehouse shall then prepare a copy of the Part IV of the pass and forward it to the Collector for record with Part I of the pass in his office. 


The whole consignment of the foreign liquor imported into and stored in the bonded warehouse under these rules shall be removed from the warehouse at one and the same time and within a fortnight from the date of receipt in the warehouse. If any liquor remains in the warehouse for a longer period than a fortnight, warehouse rent at the rate of 1[one paisa] per week, per litre, or at such other rate as may from time to time be fixed by the Commissioner shall be charged, but in no case shall a consignment or any part thereof be allowed to be kept in bond for a period exceeding one month.

19 Release of consignment after examination in cases of imports of Indian Indian- made made foreign liquor on pre-payment of duty.[View all order & notifications]


 Where the foreign liquor is imported on prepayment of duty in this State, the examining Officer shall note the result of his examination under rule 16 on the reverse of Part IV of the pass and on the certificate. He shall then allow the consignment to be removed if he is satisfied that the full amount of duty on the foreign liquor imported and the fees leviable under the Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport) Fees Rules, 1954, have been paid or that the importer has agreed in writing to pay any excess amount of duty of fees that may be found to be due from him on the result of the examining officer’s examination or on receipt of the report of the Chemical Analyser to Government. He shall then hand over Part IV of the pass to the importer after making a note thereon in this respect and keeping a copy of Part IV of the pass. A similar note shall also be made on the certificate which shall be kept by the examining officer.


On result of his examination or on receipt of the Chemical Analyser’s report, as the case may be, the examining officer shall calculate the amount of duty and the aforesaid fees due on the consignment and forward the copy of Part IV of the pass to the Collector stating what excess amount of duty or fees, if any, is recoverable from the importer. The Collector shall then take the necessary steps to recover the amount from the importer. The copy of Part IV of the pass shall be recorded by the Collector with Part I of the pass keeping note thereon as to the excess amount of duty or fees paid by the importer.

..[View all order & notifications]


20 Importer to bear all costs and risks of conveyance.[View all order & notifications]

—The cost of conveying the consignment to the place of import and all risks incidental to such conveyance shall be borne by the importer and the storage of the consignment in the bonded warehouse shall also be at the risk of such importer.

21 Exporter to obtain a permit from the Excise Officer at importing place.[View all order & notifications]

:––Any person who holds a licence or permit under the Act for the sale or possession of Indian- made foreign liquor or is permitted to possess or sell foreign liquor under the Act and who desires to export any Indian-made foreign liquor (hereinafter referred to as the “exporter”) to any other part of India shall first obtain a permit from the Excise Officer at the importing place authorising him to export such liquor to that place.

22 Application for export pass:.[View all order & notifications]

On receipt of such permit, the exporter shall apply in Form G for an export pass to the Collector 1,2[or any other officer authorised to issue such pass] along with the said permit.

23 Issue of export pass.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of the application under rule 22, the Collector or the officer issuing the pass shall make such inquiries as he may deem necessary; and if all duties and fees leviable under the Act, have been paid in respect of the Indian Made Foreign Liquor to be exported or if the exporter has deposited with him a sum which in his opinion is sufficient to cover the amount of duty and fees or if the applicant has executed a bond in Form H with two sureties for the payment of the duty and fees leviable on the quantity of Indian Made Foreign Liquor to be exported, he shall grant him the export pass in Form I on recovery of export fee at the following rates :—

1[(a) Indian made Foreign Liquor except spirits, wines, malt liquor, ale, beer, porter, cider and other fermented liquors ;

2 [ (i) (a) Rectified spirit, when issued for 3, 7[Rupees 7 two per Bulk litre.] Rupees 0.40 per Bulk litre. manufacture of potable liquor.

(b) Extra Neural alcohol or silent spirit, when issued for manufacture of potable liquor. 7[ Rupees two per bulk litre.] Rupees 0.40 per Bulk litre.

(ii) When issued for industrial and other purpose. 2[ Rupee one and fifty paise per bulk litre]

8[ “(b) (i) Spirits, Wine, Malt Liquor for Supply to Canteen Stores Department. Rupee One, per bulk litre

(ii)deleted Spirits, Wine, Malt Liquor for Supply other than to Canteen Stores Depart-ment, having maximum retail sale price less than Rs. Five Hundred. Rupee One, per bulk litre

(ii a) Indian made  foreign  liquor (Spirits) Rupees three per bulk litre", for  supply other than to  Canteen Stores Department,   having   -maximum  retail  salë price less than rupees five hundred.

(iii)deleted Spirits, Wine, Malt Liquor having maximum retail sale price more than Rs.Five Hundred. Rupee Five per bulk litre.

(iii a) Indian made foreign liquor (Spirits) Rupees ten per bulk litre", for  supply other than to  Canteen Stores Department,  having     maximum  retail  sale price rupees five hundred or more.

(iv) Grape spirits Fifty Paise, per bulk liter.

(v) Spirits and wines manufactured Exclusively from grape spirit.] Fifty Paise, per bulk liter.

(c) Ale, Beer, Porter, cider and other fermented liquors. 2, 9 [Rupee one per bulk litre.]

Provided that, if the applicant is not a resident of the place of export, his agent at such place who is approved by the Collector or the officer issuing the pass may act for him, and in such case, both the applicant and his agent shall be jointly and severally liable under the bond for the amount of duty and fees which may ultimately fall due.]


Disposal of four parts of the pass.—Every pass granted under this rule shall be in four parts which shall be dealt with as under :

Part I shall be retained on the records of the officer issuing the pass ;

Part II shall be sent by post to the Excise Officer at the importing place;

Part III together with the permit received with the application, shall forwarded to the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the distillery, brewery 1[bonded warehouse or shop] form which the foreign liquor to be exported is to be issued, and

Part IV shall be handed over to the application or his agent.


Every pass shall show the designation of the officer by whom the consignment of liquor to be exported is to be inspected under rule 25. In cases of export by road, one of the Inspecting Officers shall be the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the taluka in which the place where the consignment leaves the limits of the State is situated. In cases of export by rail, one of the Inspecting Officers shall be the Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the place where the railway station from which the consignment is to be booked is situated.


 No pass under this rule shall be granted unless the foreign liquor is to be exported direct from a distillery, brewery 1[bonded warehouse or shop.]

24 Issue of Indian-made foreign liquor for purposes of export.[View all order & notifications]

.—The exporter or his agent shall present Part IV of the export pass to the Office-in-charge of the distillery,brewery 1[ bonded warehouse or shop] from which liquor is to be exported. Such officer shall, after comparing Part IV with Part III and the permit forwarded to him under sub-rule (2) of rule 23, and if he sees no objection, issue the foreign liquor form the distillery, brewery 1[bonded warehouse or shop]. He shall seal with his official seal each receptacle or package containing foreign liquor to be exported which shall also bear, for the purpose of identification, the number of the export pass, the serial number of the receptacle or package, the kind, quantity and the strength of the foreign liquor contained therein, the name of the importing place and the name of the place of export. He shall fill in the particulars under the heading “Advised” on the reverse of Parts III and IV of the export pass, complete the endorsements thereunder, hand over Part IV to the exporter and forward Part III, with a copy thereon of the impression of the seal used in sealing the receptacles or packages, to the Prohibition and Excise Officer who is to inspect the consignment under rule 25. He shall then, if the exporter has paid all the charges, if any, payable, by him, allow the consignment to be removed from the distillery, brewery, 1[bonded warehouse or shop] at the exporter’s risk and expense. The consignment shall be ex- ported within a week from the date of such clearance direct to the importing place subject to such rules as may be in force in the State in which such place is situated;

25 Inspection of consignment en-route.[View all order & notifications]


The exporter shall give to the Inspect- ing Officer named in the pass at least one day’s previous intimation of the date and hour at which the consignment to be exported will be ready for inspection. He shall also present Part IV of the pass to such officer, Such Officer shall proceed to the place of inspection at the time fixed, compare Part IV of the pass with Part III sent to him direct under rule 24 and verify that the number and description of the receptacles or packages to be exported correspond with those shown in the export pass and that the receptacles or packages are properly secured and sealed with the seal of the Officer who issued the foreign liquor. He shall then, if he sees no objection, allow the consignment to be despatched. He shall return Part IV of the export pass to the exporter and forward Part III by post to the Excise Officer at the importing place. If the consignment is booked by rail, the exporter shall present the railway receipt to the Inspecting Officer who shall return it to him after satisfying him self that the whole consignment has been despatched.


The Inspecting Officer shall forward by post Part III of the pass to the Excise Officer-in-charge at the importing place with a request to endorse thereon the quantity of Indian-made foreign liquor in bulk 1[litres] and proof 1[liters] received at the importing place and to return it to the Officer-in-charge of the destillery, brewery, bonded ware- house 2[or shop] from which the foreign liquor was exported.


The exporter shall, on the consignment of the foreign liquor reaching it’s destina- tion obtain a certificate in form “Certificate C” annexe to Part IV of the pass from the Excise Officer at the importing place and deliver it immediately to the Officer-in-charge of the distillery, brewery, bonded warehouse, 2[or shop] from which the Indian-made foreign liquor was exported but in no case shall he fail to produce such certificate before the latter officer within three months from the date of the 2[issue of the export pass in Form I].


2 [Where no duties or fees have been paid on the Indian-made foreign liquor exported from the distillery, brewery, bonded warehouse or shop, the Officer-in-charge of such distillery, brewery, bonded warehouse, or shop] shall, on receipt of Part III as stated in sub-rule (2) or the certificate as stated in sub-rule (3), calculate the dues i.e. the amount of duty and fees at the rates in force in the place of export on the quantity of Indian-made foreign liquor not delivered at the importing place after deducting an allowance due to loss on account of wastage, dryage and leakage in transit not exceeding 3[0.3 per cent. for every hundred kilometers 3[but not exceeding one percent in aggregate or actual loss whichever is less] and send a report to the Collector about the above amount of duty and fees and other charges, if any, to be recovered from the exporter together with Part III and the certificated after keeping copies thereof for his record. The Collector shall then verify the calculations and demand from the exporter the amount due from him recover it and on recovery of the full amount cancel the bond, if any, executed by the exporter and inform him and the above-said Officer-in-charge accordingly. He shall then send Part III and the certificate for record with Part I of the pass in his office or in the office of the Officer who issued the export pass.

2[“Provided that, no loss in transit of foreign liquor as defined in the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 shall be allowed ”.]



The amount of duty and fees shall be recovered under sub-rule (4) from the exporter irrespective of the fact that a similar amount may be collected on the same excess deficiency at the importing place.


(a) In the event of the exporter failing to deliver the consignment of the Indian- made foreign liquor mentioned in the export pass at the importing place or in the even of a breach by him of any of the rules under this chapter or of any of the conditions of the export pass, the Collector may levy on such consignment the full duty and fees 1[at the rates in force in the State] at the time, the export a pass was issued and may also refuse to grant him more passes in future.

(b) Nothing in this sub-rule shall affect an further liability of the exporter to punish- ment under and of the provisions of the Act for the said failure of breach.

26 Exporter to apply for export pass..[View all order & notifications]


Any person who holds a licence or permit under the Act for the sale of possession of duty paid imported foreign liquor or is permitted to possess or sell such foreign liquor under the Act and who desires to export duty paid imported foreign liquor (hereinafter referred to as the “exporter”) shall apply in Form G for an export pass to the Collector.


Such application shall be accompanied by an import pass or no objection certifi- cate granted by the Collector or Excise Officer of the importing place.

27 Issue of export pass..[View all order & notifications]


  If the Collector, after making such inquiries as he deems necessary, is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the pass, he may grant such pass in the Form J.


      Every pass issued under this rule shall be in four parts and shall be dealt with as under :

Part I shall be retained on the record of the office of the Collector or the Officer granting the pass.

part II shall be handed over to the applicant.

Part III shall be handed over to the applicant who shall send it along with the consignment to the perosn receiving duty paid imported foreign liquor at the import- ing place,

Part IV shall be sent by Post to the Collector or the Excise Officer of the importing place with a request to endorse thereon the quantity of duty paid imported foreign liquor in litres and Proof liters received at the importing place and to return it to the Collector.

28 Removal of foreign liquor under excise escort.[View all order & notifications]

,––Where duty paid imported foreign liquor which is to be exported is removed whether wholly or partly by road through the limits of the State of Maharashtra, the holder of the pass shall, on being required by the Collector or the aforesaid officer so to do, remove such liquor through such limits under excise escort and shall pay in advance the cost of the escort fixed by the Collector or the aforesaid officer in his behalf.

29.[View all order & notifications]

The exporter shall, on the consignment of the foreign liquor reaching its destina- tion, obtain a certificate in Form “Certificate-4” annex to Part II of the pass from the Excise Officer at the importing place and deliver it immediately to the Collector.

30.[View all order & notifications]


The Collector shall, on receipt of Part IV as stated in rule 27(2), or the certifi- cate as stated in rule 29, calculate the amount of fees mentioned in the Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport) Fees Rules, 1954, on the quantity of the foreign liquor not delivered at the importing place 1 [and] recover it from the exporter, and then record the said Part IV and the certificate with Part I of the pass in his office.


Nothing in this rule shall affect any further liability of the exporter to punishment under any of the provisions of the Act for the failure to deliver the full quantity of foreign liquor mentioned in the export pass or for the breach of any of the rules in this Chapter or any condition of the export pass.

31 Theses rules not to apply to through transport of foreign liquor..[View all order & notifications]

Theses rules not to apply to through transport of foreign liquor.––Nothing contained in these rules shall apply in realtion to any foreign liquor conveyed from any place beyond the limits of the State to any other place beyond the limits of the State if it is conveyed in accordance with the Maharashtra Through Transport Rules, 1962.


 Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 1652-C, dated 9th August 1922 ;


 Government Notification, Recenue Department, No. 1652-C, dated 10th April 1931 ;


     Government, Revenue Department, No. 9692/24, dated 3rd July 1931 ;


Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 524/33, dated 27th August 1935 ;


Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 524/33 (a), dated 27th August 1935 ;


 Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 10484/45, dated 28th March 1950 ;


  and all other rules corresponding thereto and in force in any part of the State;

shall stand repealed, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such repeal and every pass granted under any of the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been granted in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

32 On the commencement of these rules the following notifications, that is to say:.[View all order & notifications]


(i) Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 1652-C, dated 9th August 1922 ;

(ii) Government Notification, Recenue Department, No. 1652-C, dated 10th April 1931 ;

(iii) Government, Revenue Department, No. 9692/24, dated 3rd July 1931 ;

(iv) Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 524/33, dated 27th August 1935 ;

(v) Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 524/33 (a), dated 27th August 1935 ;

(vi) Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 10484/45, dated 28th March 1950 ;

(vii) and all other rules corresponding thereto and in force in any part of the State;

shall stand repealed, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such repeal and every pass granted under any of the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been granted in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

3A.[View all order & notifications]

Application of Chapter

3B.[View all order & notifications]

Registration of Importers of duty-paid Foreign Liquor, Beer and Wine.—Any overseas manufacturer or importer of duty-paid foreign liquor or authorized Custom-Bond holder of imported Foreign Liquor (Spirits) or Beer or Wine having such Foreign Liquor being removed from the Customs Frontier or the Customs Bond, desires to sell such Foreign Liquor (Spirits) or Beer or Wine in the State of Maharashtra shall make an application, addressed to the Commissioner for registration. Such application for registration shall contain the following particulars, namely:-

(1) Name and address of the applicant.

(2) Proof of the applicant being authorized by the brand owner or overseas manufacturer as importer or a Customs Bond-holder of Foreign Liquor being authorised by the brand owner or overseas manufacturer as authorised importer.

(3) Name of the brand, stating whether such brand is a registered trademark and the number and date of trademark registration with a copy of trademark registration with a copy of certificate or registration.

(4) (i) Manufacturing cost and maximum retail price (inclusive of all taxes and duties) of different packs and brands applied for registration.

(ii) Name and address of the agent in the State of Maharashtra with his trade and import licence number and validity. 

(iii) Statutory Warning ‘Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health. Be Safe. Don’t Drink and Drive.’ in the format and as prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), from time to time, shall be printed on every label.

(5) An undertaking to the effect that the applicant importer or Customs Bond-holder undertakes to abide by the conditions of the certificate of registration and the provisions of the Maharashtra Prohibition Act (XXVof1949) and rules, regulations and orders made thereunder.

3C.[View all order & notifications]

Grant of certificate of registration.- On receipt of an application made under rule 3B, the Commissioner shall make such enquiries as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection to grant the registration applied for, he may grant the certificate of registration in Form‘L’ on payment of annual fees (inclusive of consideration) at the following rates-

(i) Rs. 15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs only) for those importing Duty-paid Imported Foreign Liquor including Spirits, Beer and Wine.

(ii) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only) for those importing Duty-paid Imported Wines only.

Grant of certificate of Registration.— On receipt of an application made under rule 3B, the Commissioner shall make such enquiries as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection to grant the registration applied for, he may grant the certificate of registration in Form ‘L’ on payment of annual fees (inclusive of consideration), depending on the scale of annual sales of each type of liquor in boxes that the certificate holder proposes to sell in the State of Maharashtra, at the following rates,—

(i) Sale upto 5,000 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                       Rs. 25,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                           Rs. 15,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 10,000

(ii) Sale from 5,001 to upto 10,000 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                       Rs. 2,00,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                           Rs. 1,00,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 50,000

(iii) Sale from 10,001 to upto 50,000 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                        Rs. 4,00,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                            Rs. 2,00,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 1,00,000

(iv) Sale from 50,001 to upto 1,00,000 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                       Rs. 8,00,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                           Rs. 4,00,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 2,00,000

(v) Sale from 1,00,001 to upto 2,00,000 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                       Rs. 10,00,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                           Rs. 5,00,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 3,00,000

(vi) Sale of more than 2,00,001 boxes of 9 litre each,—

(a) For Spirits, Beer and Wine                                       Rs. 15,00,000

(b) For Only Beer                                                           Rs. 7,50,000

(c) For Only Wine                                                           Rs. 4,00,000”



3D.[View all order & notifications]

Approval of brands.—The holder of certificate of registration granted under rule 3C shall apply to the Commissioner for approval of the brands of each kind of liquor intended to be removed from the Customs Frontier for import in the State of Maharashtra. On receipt of such application the Commissioner shall make such enquiries as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection to approve the brands, he may grant the approval there of on payment of fees as shown below, namely :—

(i) Every brand of Spirits 25,000 Rupees.
(ii) Every brand of Beer 10,000 Rupees
(iii) Every brand of Wine 5,000 Rupees.

Approval of Brand/Labels.—The holder of the certificate of registration granted under rule 3C shall apply to the Commissioner for approval of the brands/labels of each kind of liquor intended to be removed from the Customs Frontier for import in the State of Maharashtra. On receipt of such application the Commissioner shall make such enquiries as he deems necessary and on being satisfied that there is no objection, to approve the brands, he may grant the approval thereof. Such approval may be in force even after the expiry of the certificate of registration, if there is no change in the design and layout of the brand/label so approved :

Provided that, if there is change in the design and layout of the brand/label so approved, the holder of certificate of registration shall apply for fresh approval of brand/label.”.

3E.[View all order & notifications]

Duration of registration.-No certificate of registration issued under rule 3C and approval of brands under rule 3D shall be granted for a period beyond 31st day of March, next following the date of grant of the said certificate.

3F.[View all order & notifications]

Procedure for grant of certificate of registration and approval of brands for subsequent period.- Any holder of the certificate granted under rule 3C, who desires to continue such registration after the day of expiry may, make an application as provided in rule 3B at least 30 days before the date of expiry of the certificate and the provisions of rules 3B and 3C and approval of brands under rule 3D shall, mutatis mutandis apply to the grant of certificate of registration for subsequent period.

3G.[View all order & notifications]

Import of Duty-paid Imported Foreign Liquor in State and Payment of Special Fees.-Only such foreign liquor or beer or Wine products which are removed from the Customs Frontier by the holders of certificate of registration issued by the Commissioner, and for those brands that are approved by the Commissioner, shall be allowed to be sold in the State of Maharashtra on payment of Special Fees, prescribed in this behalf, from time to time, in the State.

3H.[View all order & notifications]

Suspension and cancellation of certificate of registration.-The certificate of registration in Form ‘L’ may be suspended or cancelled in accordance with the provisions of section 54 or 56 of the Act.”


see rule 5

Counterfoil Pass for the import of duty-paid imported foreign liquor



See rule 6



[See rule 11 (1`) (a)]

Form of a Bond for payment of duty, to be executed by an importer before pass is granted to him to import in bond indian-made foreign liquor from other parts of India



[See rule 11 (1`) (a)]

Form of general bond for payment of a sum sufficient to cover the amount of the duty leviable under the Bombay Prohibition Act. 1949, on the total quantity of Indian made foreign liquor which may be imported from time to time during a period of three years to be executed by an importer, before passes are granted to him to import such liquor in bond from other parts of India.



[See rule 11 (1) (a)]

Pass for the Import-in-Bond of Indian-made foreign liquor Part II (To be sent to Excise Officer of the exporting place)



[See rule 11 (1) (b)]

Pass for the import of Indian-made foreign liquor (On payment of duty in the State of Maharashtra) Part I (For record in the office of Collector)



[See rule 11(3)]



[See rules 22 and 26)]



[See rule 23 (1)]

Form of bond to be executed by an exporter before permission is granted to him to export Indian-made foreign liquor in bond from the State of Maharashtra to other parts of the Indian Union



[See rule 23 (1)]

1[ Pass for the export of Indian made foreign liquor] (For record in the Office of the Collector) PART I



[See rule 25 (3)]



[See rule 27 (1)]

pass for the export of duty-paid imported foreign liquor PART I - To be retained on the record of the office of the Collector



[See rule 29]



2[See rule 9B]

Certificate of registration (for manufactories of the Indian Made Foreign Liquor/Beer situated in a State other than the State of Maharashtra)



See rules 4 and 10



See rule 3C

Certificate of registration (for overseas manufacturer / importer of duty-paid foreign liquor / authorized Custom-Bond holder of imported Foreign Liquor (Spirits) or Beer or Wine)


Rules NO