Regulation Of Employment By The Licence Holder Rules, 1996

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G. N., H. D. NO. BPA. 1093/5/EXC-2, dated 18th June, 1996

  1. 1. Amended by G. N.H.D. BPA 0808/45/C.R.166./EXC-2 dated 4th June 2009 (M.G. pt IV-B, P,2), dated 4th June, 2009

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (i) of sub-section (2) of the section 143 of the said Act, and in supersession of Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 8174/51, dated the 23rd June 1953, the Government of Maharashtra is pleased to make following rules, namely :––

1 Title शिर्षक.[View all order & notifications]

These rules may be called the Regulation of Employment by the Licence holder Rules, 1996.

2 No person holding a licence under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), for sale of intoxicants, mhowra flowers or molasses shall employ any of the following persons to assist him in his business in any capacity whatsoever, namely : बॉम्बे प्रोहिबिशन अ‍ॅक्ट, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949) अन्वये मादक द्रव्ये, म्हवराची फुले किंवा मोलॅसिसच्या विक्रीसाठी परवाना धारण केलेल्या कोणत्याही व्यक्तीने खालीलपैकी कोणत्याही व्यक्तीला त्याच्या व्यवसायात कोणत्याही क्षमतेने मदत करण्यासाठी नियुक्त करू नये, म्हणजे :.[View all order & notifications]

(a) persons below twenty-one years of age ;

(b) persons suffering from an infectious or contagious disease;

(c) persons convicted of an offence under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Act, 1985 (Act No. 61 of 1985) or Bombay Molasses (Control), Act, 1956 (Bom. XXXVIII of 1956) or the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949) or Bombay Opium Smoking Act, 1936 (Bom. XX of 1936) ;

(d) persons whose licences or nokarnamas have previously been cancelled ;

(e) persons on the Police list of convicted persons or bad characters;

(f) persons debarred by the terms of the licence :

Provided that in case of persons falling under clause (c), (d), or (e), the disqualification may, at any time, be removed by a written order of the Collector.

3 Work hours of Woman employee महिला कर्मचाऱ्यांचे कामाचे तास.[View all order & notifications]

No women shall be required or be allowed to work after *(21.30) hrs. in any hotel or restaurant holding licence in Form F. L. III issued under 45 of the bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 or in Form E issued under rule 5 of the Special Permits Licences Rules, 1952.

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