View all order & notifications Forms / Schedules

G. N., R. D., NO. 946/51(A), dated 21st August, 1951

  1. G. N., R. D., No. 946/51 (a), dated 20th October, 1951
  2. Corrig., R.. D., No. 2697 (b), dated 19th February, 1955
  3. G. N., H. D., No. RTS. 1060/53856 (b)-III, dated 28th February, 1961
  4. Corrig., H. D., No. RTS. 1060/53856 (b)-III, dated 15th December, 1961
  5. G. N., H. D., No. RTS. 1162/31886-III, dated 25th February, 1964
  6. G. N., H. D., No. DNS. 1065/40774-II-A(I), dated 30th March, 1974
  7. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/5/PRO-2, dated 10th March, 1981
  8. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/7-(II)-PRO-2, dated 4th November, 1981
  9. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2081/7/(ii)-PRO-2, dated 22nd May, 1982
  10. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 2082/(II)-PRO-2, dated 12th November, 1982
  11. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1086/77/(III)-PRO-2, dated 14th January, 1987
  12. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1086/77/(III)-PRO-2, dated 17th February, 1987
  13. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1088/XXV-PRO-2, dated 16th March, 1988
  14. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1088/8(I)-PRO-2, dated 10th August, 1988
  15. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/I/PRO-2, dated 12th January, 1990
  16. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/II-PRO-3, dated 1st December, 1990
  17. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1090/II-PRO-3, dated 8th March, 1991
  18. G. N., H. D., No. BPA./1091/3014/VII/PRO-3, dated 21st June, 1992
  19. G. N., H. D., No. MLS./1094/1/IV/Exc-2, dated 22nd March, 1994
  20. G. N., H. D., No. BPA. 1095/2435/Exc-2, dated 28th April, 1997
  21. G. N., H. D., No. BPA./1096/I/III/Exc-II, dated 12th July, 1999

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and in supersession of Government Notification, Revenue Department, No. 9688/24, dated 30th April 1928, the Government of Bombay is pleased to make the following rules, namely :

1 Short title शीर्षक.[View all order & notifications]

These rules may be called the Bombay Rectified Spirit (Transport in Bond) Rules, 1 [1951].

2 Definitions व्याख्या.[View all order & notifications]

In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,—


“ Act ” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 ;


“ Bonded laboratory ” means a laboratory or manufactory where spirit is stored without payment of duty for use in the manufacture of medicinal and tiolet preparations 2 [or for use for industrial purpose] on the execution of a bond in that behalf ;


“ Distillery Officer ” means a officer-in-charge of 3 [a Government distillery or any licensed distillery ;]


“ Form ” means a form appended to these rules ;


“ Medicinal and tiolet preparations ” include perfumed spirits and essences ;


“Officer-in-charge ” means an officer of the Prohibition and Excise Department appointed at a bonded laboratory for the purpose of supervising the operations relating to the manufacture and issue of medicinial and tiolet preparations there from 4 [or as the case maybe, relating to the use of spirit for industrial purposes ;]


“ Spirit ” means rectified spirit and includes absolute alchol ;


“Transport in bond ” means the transport of rectified spirit from a Government distillery or warehouse 1 [or any licensed distilery or warehouse] to a bonded laboratory without payment of duty;


“Warehouse Officer” means an officer-in-charge of a Government warehouse, 1 [or any licensed warehouse.]

3 Indent for purchase and transport in bond spirit from a distillery or warehouse आसवणी किंवा बंदिस्त वखारीतून मद्यार्क खरेदी किंवा वाहतूक कारण्याकरिताचे मागणीपत्र.[View all order & notifications]

Any person desiring to purchase and transport in bond spirit from a Government distillery or warehouse or from a licensed distillery or warehouse to a bonded laboratory in the State shall [except where he has submitted an indent under rule 26 of the Medicinal and Toilect Preparations (Excise Duties) Rules, 1956, in respect of manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparatios in a bonded laboratory, in which case such indent shall be valid for the purposes of this rule] submit an indent in Form 1 in triplicate to the Officer in-charge. The Officer-in-charge shall make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to allow the purchase and transport in bond of spirit indented for, he may countersign the indent. The original copy of the indent shall be sent by the person indenting to the distillery or the warehouse licensee, the duplicate shall be sent through the Officer-in-charge to the Distillery or Warehouse Officer and the triplicate shall be retained as office copy.]

4 Intimation for amount to be paid in respect of the cost of spirit required by him आवश्यक असलेल्या स्पिरिटच्या किमतीच्या संदर्भात देय रकमेची सूचना देणे.[View all order & notifications]

2 [ (1)

On receipt of the duplicate of the indent from the Officer-in-Charge the Distillery or warehouse Officer shall, if the spirit is to be purchased from a Government distillery or warehouse, intimate to the person indenting the amount to be paid in respect of the cost of spirit required by him.]


The 2 [ person indenting] shall pay the amount in Greater Bombay, into the treasury of the Chief Accounts Officer of Prohibition and Excise, Bombay, and elsewhere, into the Huzur Treasury. On payment of the amount, the Chief Accounts Officer of Prohibition and Excise, Bombay , or the Treasury Officer, as the case may be, shall grant the 2 [ person indenting] a chalan in token of acknowledgement of the said amount 3 [ The person indenting shall then produce the chalan, before the Distillery or Warehouse Officer.]

3 [ (3)

If the spirit is to be purchased from a private licensed distillery or warehouse, the Distillery or Warehouse Officer shall require the person indenting to produce before him intimation issued by the distillery or warehouse licensee for having received the cost of spirit.]

5 allowance of the purchase and transport in bond of spirit आसवणी किंवा बंदिस्त वखारीमधून मद्यार्क खरेदी करणे व वाहतूक करण्यास परवानगी देणे.[View all order & notifications]

4 (1)

The Distillery or Warehouse Officer may then, if he is satisfied, after making such enquiries as he deems necessary, that there is no objection to allow the purchase and transport in bond of spirit indented for, issue a pass in Form II. The spirit shall be issued in casks, drums or other receptacles duly sealed with the seal of the Distillery or Warehouse Officer. The officer shall keep Part I of the pass on his record, shall also fill in the particulars to be filled in by him on the reverse of Parts II and III of the pass and shall hand over part II of the pass to the purchaser duly endorsed and forward Part III with an imperssion of the seal placed on the drums, casks or other receptacles, to the officer-in-charge.]

3 [(2)

(a) No pass in Form II shall be issued under sub-rule (1) unless transport fee at the following rates is paid :

(i) Extra Neutral Alchol/Silent Spirit issued for the manufacture of Indian made Foreign Liquor.  - Rs. 3 per bulk litre.

(ii) Rectified Spirit issued for manufacture of Indian Made Foreign Liquor. -Rs. 2 per bulk litre.

(iii) Rectified Spirit issued for manufacture of Country Liquor. Re. 1.25 per bulk litre.

4 [(2) (a) No pass in Form II shall be issued under sub-rule (1) unless administrative fee at the following rates is paid :

(i) Rectified Spirit, Extra Neutral Alchol issued to Medicinal and Tiolet Preparation Units.  -Re. 1 per bulk litre.

(ii) Rectified Spirit for industrial purpose.  - Re. 0.30 per bulk litre.]

4, 5. 5 [* * *]

6 Delated वगळण्यात आले.[View all order & notifications]

1* * * * * * *

7 Delated वगळण्यात आले.[View all order & notifications]

1* * * * * * *

8 Procedure to be followed after arrival of consignment मालाची खेप आल्यानंतर अवलंबायची प्रक्रिया.[View all order & notifications]


On arrival of the consignment at the bonded laboratory, the Officer-in-charge shall compare the particulars given in Part II with those in Part III of the pass, shall examine the seals and if he has no reason to believe that the consignment has been tampered with, he shall admit the consignment into the laboratory.


The Officer-in-charge shall then draw samples from each cask or drum and examine them to see that the particulars as regards the quantity and strength of spirit actually ascertained by him correspond with those given by the Distillery or Warehouse Officer in Part IIi of the pass accompanying the consignment. The consignment shall then be entered in the register maintained by him for the purpose. He shall then return Part III duly completed to the Distillery or Warehouse Officer 2 [and retain Part II on his record.] In case of any wastage of spirit found by the Officer-in-charge on arrival of the consignment in excess of the sanctioned 6 [wastage of 0.3 per cent per 100 kilometers but not exceeding 1 per cent in aggregate or actual loss whichever is less] he shall report the fact to the Collector for obtaining the orders of the Commissioner as regards the amount of duty to be leived on such excess wastage from the persons liable to pay the same.


(See rule 3)

Indent for rectified spirit/absolute alcohol



1[(See rule 5)]

Transport-in-Bond Pass for Indian-made Rectified Spirit


Rules NO