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G. N. H. D. NO. TOD 6279/PRO-3, dated 3rd February, 1981

In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (b), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (13) and (u)of sub-section (2) of section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the following Rules, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (3) of the said section 143.

1 Short title, extent and commencement शीर्षक,व्याप्ती आणि प्रारंभ.[View all order & notifications]


These rules be may called the Maharashtra Toddy Shops (Licensing in Tribal Areas) and Toddy Trees (Tapping in Tribal Areas) Rules, 1981. 


These rules extend to the Tribal areas in the State of Maharashtra.


These rules shall come into force on the 1st May 1981.

2 Definitions व्याख्या.[View all order & notifications]

in these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,—


“ Act ” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949) ;


“ Adivasi Co-operative Society ” means and includes a society registered un- der the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (Mah. XXIV of 1961), in which all or majority of the members are tribals ;


“ duty ” means duty levied under section 109 of the Act ;


“ Form ” means a form appended to these rules ;


“ Licensed shop ” means the shop in which a licensee has been licensed to sell toddy under his licence ;


“ Licensee ” means the holder of a licence ;


“ Superintendent ” means the Superintendent of Prohibition and Excise of the district in which licensed shop is located ;


“ Toddy ” means fermented juice drawn from a concount, brab date or any king of palm tree containing not more than 5 per cent. alcohol by volume but does not include sweet toddy, nira or neera ;


“ Tribal area ” means the area specified in the Schedule appended to these rules ;


words and expressions used in these rules but not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3 Prohibition of sale of toddy except under a licence परवान्यावाचून ताडी विक्रीस मनाई.[View all order & notifications]

No Person shall sell toddy in any Tribal area except under a licence.

4 Application for licence परवान्यासाठी अर्ज.[View all order & notifications]

Any person, being a tribal or an Adivasi Co-operative Society, where individual tribal is not coming forward to sell toddy by retail in any Tribal area, shall apply in Form T. R. T. D.-1 appended to these rules, to the State Government for licence in Form T. R. T. D.-2 through the Collector of the district in which he desires to locate the licensed premises for selling toddy. The application shall be accompanied by a chalan evidencing payment of a fee of rupees fifteen for such application.

5 Grant of Licence परवाना देणे.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of an application under rule 4, the Collector shall verify the particulars given therein and also make such other enquiries as the deems necessary and which are incidental to the grant of the licence and also satisfy himself that the premises proposed for location of the shop for selling toddy are in conformity with the provisions of the rules and the instructions issued by the State Government or the Commissioner from time to time. He shall then forward the application to the State Government with his remarks. 


On receipt of the application under sub-rule (1) the State Government may subject to the provisions of this rule, after making such enquiries as it deems fit and after it is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, on payment by the applicant of the licence fee as prescribed in sub-rule (3), by order direct the Collector to grant the licence in Form T. R. T. D-2 to the applicant and shall forward a copy of such order to the Commissioner. Thereupon, a licence in Form T. R. T. D.-2 shall be issued by the Collector of the district in which the applicant desires to locate his licensed premises. A duplicate copy of the licence shall be forwarded bythe Collector to the State Government for its record and the third copy of the licence shall be kept by the Collector on his record.


Fees for the license in Form T. R. T. D.-2—Fees shall be charged according to the following Scales namely :—

where the licensed shop is proposed to be located in a— Rs.

(a) town or village with a population upto 1,000 . . 500

(b) town or village with a population from 1,001 to 2,500 . . 1,000

(c) town or village with a population from 2,501 to 5,000 . . 2,000

d) town with a population from 5,001 and above . . 3,000

Explanation.—For the purpose of this rule, “population ” means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures, either provisional or final have been published. 


No licence under sub-rule (2) shall be granted for a period beyond 31st August next following the date of commencement of the licence. 


(a) Any licensee desiring to renew his license shall make an application in form T. R. T. D.-1 accompanied by a chalan, evidencing payment of a fee of rupees fifteen for such application, to the Collector of the district in which his licensed premises are located, at least one month before the expiry of the license.

(b) Any license granted under sub-rule (2) shall be renewed by the Collector for a period not exceeding one year at a time on payment of the fee prescribed in sub-rule (3) of this rule, unless the Collector has reason to believe that there has been a breach of any of the terms and conditions of the license, or that the retail licensee has not been working it properly. 


No license shall be granted in respect of such shop—

(a) Which is less than 9 square meters in area and which in the opinion of the Collector or the officer authorized by him in this behalf will not be adequate for the purpose and where consumption of toddy will be in public view ; or

(b) which is situated within a distance of 75 meters from any industrial under taking or irrigation or other developmental project where 200 or more work men are employed in one or more shifts either in a single undertaking or project or in a group of undertakings or projects located near one another ; or

(c) (i) which is situated within a distance of 75 meters from the boundary of any National or State Highway ; or

(ii) which is visible from, and the entrance of which is facing, such Highway ; or

(d) which is within a distance of 75 meters from any educational institution, students hostel run or recognized by the Social Welfare Department or recognized by the Social Welfare Department or attached to an educational institution, public or private maternity home, public hospital, religious institution colony of laborious or of Harijans ; or

(e) (i) which is situated within a distance of 200 meters from any Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation Bus Stands or Station or Depot ; or

(ii) which is visible from and the entrance of which is facing, such Bus Stand or Station or Depot ; or

(f) which is not duly approved by the Collector or the officer authorized by him in this behalf and which is not certified by him to be otherwise suitable also for locating the shop before the grant of the license. The Collector if he refuses to grant such certificate, shall record his reasons in writing for such refusal.

Explanation 1.—

(i) for the purposes of clause (b) of this sub-rule,—

(a) where the undertaking or projects are surrounded by a compound wall, the distance of seventy-five meters shall be measured from the main gate of such compound ;

(b) where the undertaking or projects are not surrounded by any compound wall but the workmen carry on their work indoors, the distance of seventy-five meters shall be measured from the main entrance of each such work premises ; and

(c) where the undertakings or projects are not surrounded by any compound wall and the workmen carry on their work in the open, the distance of seventy-five meters shall be measured from each of the places where the workmen actually do their work.

(ii) “ Educational Institution ” means any pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher secondary school or I. T. I. managed or recognized by any local authority or the State or the Central Government or any college affiliated to any University established by law but does not include any private coaching institution.

(iii) “ Public Hospital ” means any hospital where facilities are provided to keep indoor patients and which is managed and maintained by the State or the Central Government or a local authority or a public charitable institution, but does not include any dispensary.

(iv) “Religious institution” means an institution for the promotion of any religion and includes a temple, math, waqf, church, synagogue, agiary or other place of public religious worship, which is registered as a public trust under the Bombay public Trusts Act, 1950, and includes such other religious institutions as the State Government may by order specify in this behalf.

(v) “Colonies of Laborious or of Harijans” means colonies where laborious and Harijans as the case may be, reside in a large number and includes Maharashtra Housing Board Colonies of laborious or industrial workers, subsidized industrial housing colonies, squatter’s colonies, labour housing colonies of companies and zopadpattis.

(w) The distance referred to in clauses (c), and (d), (e) shall be measured from the mid-point of the entrance of the shop along the nearest path by which a pedestrian ordinarily reachers —

(a) the boundary of the National or State Highway, or

(b) the mid-point of the gate of the institution, if there is a compound wall and if there is no compound wall, the mid-point of the entrance of the institution, or

(c) the mid-point of the nearest gate of the Maharashtra Stale Road Transport Corporation Bus Stand or Station or Depot, if there is a compound wall, and if there is no compound wall, the nearest point of the boundary of the Bus Stand or Station or Depot, or

(d) the boundary of colonies of laborious or of Harijans, as the case may be,

Explanation II. - For the purposes of this sub-rule “National Highway” or “State Highway” shall not include that part of the National Highway or State Highway which passes within the limits of the Gaothan in any village Panchayat area.


The distance between any two shops shall not be less than 200 metres.

6 Prohibition of shift licensed shop to any other place परवानाप्राप्त दुकान इतर कोणत्याही ठिकाणी स्थानांतरण करण्यास मनाई.[View all order & notifications]

A licensed shop shall not be shifted by the licensee to any other site without the prior approval of the Collector.

7 Closure of shops दुकान बंद असण्याचे दिवस.[View all order & notifications]

Every licensed shop shall remain closed on 2nd day of October every year, and on the day or days on which any poll is held and two days immediately before such day of poll in relation to any general election or by-elections to the House of People or Parliament or Legislative Assembly of the State or to any local authority in the constituency in which such shop is located and on such special occasions and in such areas, as the State Government or the Collector may, after giving a notice of not less than seven days in any local newspaper circulating in such area, specify in this behalf, and in all such cases, a licensee shall not be entitled to any compensation.

8 Power of Collector to close down licensed shop, etc. in public interest सार्वजनिक हितासाठी परवानाप्राप्त दुकान इ. बंद करण्याचा जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांचा अधिकार.[View all order & notifications]

The Collector may, by order require a licensee to close his shop in the public interest for any period specified in the order; and may in the public interest also curtail the hours of sale; and in either case, the licensee shall not be entiled to any compensation.

9 Transfer of licence परवान्याचे हस्तांतरण.[View all order & notifications]

The State Government may permit the transfer of a licence from one name to another or admit or delete the name of any partner after the licence is granted.

10 Trees not to be tapped unless duty is paid etc शुल्क भरल्याशिवाय ताडीचे झाड छेदू नये इ..[View all order & notifications]

A licensee shall not tap, prepare for tapping, or draw toddy from any toddy producing tree, unless —


 he has paid to the State Government, the duty in respect thereof at the rates directed by the State Government from time to time;


 he has obtained a permit as provided in rule 17; and


the trees are duly marked and numbered in the manner approved by the Commissioner.

11 Tapping of tress ताडीच्या झाडाचे छेदन.[View all order & notifications]


Trees shall be tapped only by professional men experienced in tapping.


No date or wild palm (commonly known as ‘Khajuri’ or ‘Sendi’) tree shall be tapped for more than four months in a year and no such tree shall be tapped for three consecutive years after the expiry of the year in which it is tapped :

Provided that, the Collector may allow any such tree to be tapped in every alternate year, if in his opinion, tapping is necessary for want of other trees.


No tree shall be tapped daily during the currency of the tree tapping permit,


In the case of a date tree, no initial incision shall be made at any point within two metres from the foot of the tree or forty-five centimetres from the top of any other incision.


The depth and width of the incision made on a tree shall not be more than onethird of the diameter of the tree at the point of incision and the length of the incision shall not exceed 20cm.


 The central spike-like cluster of any date or palm tree shall not be touched. In addition to the central spike-like cluster, not less than eight other leaves shall, except for reasons beyond the control of the licensee, be left in on that face of the tree on which the incision is made above the top line of the incision.


The licensee shall not cut or injure or permit to be cut or injured any Government tree in respect of which a tree tapping permit is granted to him or make any incision on that tree so as to cause its death.


If as a result of any contravention of any of the forgoing sub-rules, a Government tree dies during the currency of the tree tapping permit or within a period of six months after the expiration of such permit, the licensee shall be liable to pay to Government such sum not exceeding ten rupees in respect of each such tree as may be determined by the Collector after giving the licensee reasonable opportunity of being heard.

12 Commencement of period for drawing of toddy ताडी काढण्यासाठी कालावधीची सुरुवात.[View all order & notifications]

The pots shall nol be attached to the trees for the purpose of drawing toddy more than twenty-four hours before the actual commencement of ihc licence.

13 Inspection of pots for collecting toddy ताडी गोळा करण्यासाठीच्या भांड्यांची तपासणी.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee or his authorised employee shall lower down the pots attached to any tree if any Prohibition Officer, not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector, orders so to do for the purpose of inspection.

14 Mode of collection and transport of toddy, etc. ताडी गोळा करण्याची आणि वाहतूक करण्याची पद्धत इ..[View all order & notifications]

The licensee or his authorised employee shall, after the pots are lowered down from the tree, immediately collect the toddy in the casks or vessels of such kind and capacity as may he approved by the Collector at one place and transport it to the licensed shop under cover of a transport pass in Form T.R.T.D.-3 issued by the licensee or any person duly authorised by him in this behalf.

15 Form of transport pass to be printed, etc. वाहतूक पासचा नमुना छापणे इ.[View all order & notifications]

The transport pass shall be got printed by the licensee, in duplicate having serial numbers. The passes shall be bound in books and got stamped with the official seal of the Superintendent in whose jurisdiction the licensed shop is located.

16 Prohibition against drawal, possession etc, of toddy ताडी काढणे, ताब्यात ठेवणे इत्यादींवर बंदी.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not draw, possess or transport toddy required for sale at his licensed shop except from the trees, which he has been authorised to tap on payment of duty in this behalf.

17 Permit for tapping trees ताडीचे झाड छेदण्यासाठीचा परवाना.[View all order & notifications]


The licensee shall make an application to the Superintendent in Form T.R.T.D.-4, for permission to tap toddy producing trees and draw toddy therefrom for retail-sale at his licensed shop.


On receipt of an application, the Superintendent, after verifying that duty has been paid by the licensee on toddy trees secured by him shall grant to the licensee a permit in Form T.R.T.D.-5.

18 Account of toddy to be maintained ताडीचा हिशोब ठेवण्यासाठी नोंदवही.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall maintain at his licensed shop a register in Form T.R.T.D.-6. Wherein he shall write before the closure of the licensed shop correct daily account of all quantities of toddy received, sold, lost, destroyed and held in balance by him at the licensed shop.

19 Unsold toddy विकल्या न गेलेली ताडी.[View all order & notifications]

Unsold toddy shall not be diverted to or sold at any other licensed shop :

Provided that, unsold toddy may be sold to the holder of a license in Form (I) appended to the Maharashtra Distillation of Spirit and Manufacturer of Potable Liquor Rules, 1966, for distillation of spirit and such toddy shall be transported under cover of a pass in Form T.R.T.D.-7, issued by the licensee or any person duly authorized by him in this behalf.

20 Quality of toddy to be sold विक्री करावयाच्या ताडीचा दर्जा.[View all order & notifications]

No licensee shall possess, sell or expose for sale at his licensed shop any toddy—

(a) Which is more than twenty - four hours old (time being calculated from the time marked on the transport pass in Form T.R.T.D.-3);

(b) unless it is pure and unadulterated;

(c) unless it is drawn and obtained according to the provisions of these rules;

(d) which is mixed with chloralhydrate or any other substance, or in which any foreign substance is put, added or mixed there by causing impurity or decrease or increase in its alcoholic strength;

and toddy which a licensee cannot possess or sell or expose for sale as aforesaid shall be destroyed.

21 Mode of transport of toddy ताडी वाहतुकीची पद्धत.[View all order & notifications]

Except as otherwise provided in rule 14, toddy drawn for sale at one licensed shop shall not be transported along with the toddy drawn for sale at another shop in one and the same container. However, one conveyance may be used for transporting toddy to different shops.

22 Hours of side ताडी विक्रीची वेळ.[View all order & notifications]

Subject to the provisions of rule 8, the licensee shall not sell toddy except between 7-00 a.m. and 1-00 p.m. : Provided that, me licensed shop may be kept open beyond aforesaid hours of sale for such time as is necessary for its cleaning, receiving receptacles containing toddy and completing accounts, but no sale of toddy shall be made during such period.

23 No unnecessary articles to be kept in licensed shop परवानाप्राप्त दुकानात अनावश्यक वस्तू ठेवू नयेत.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not keep any other article in the licensed shop unless such article is necessary for the conduct of his business in connection with the sale of toddy therein.

24 Employees कर्मचारी.[View all order & notifications]


Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), a licensee may employ such employees as he thinks necessary and shall execute a Nokarnama in favour of every employee so employed in connection with his business of sale of toddy in Form T.R.T.D.-8, and shall enter the names of all such employees in the register in Form T.R.T.D.-9. 


The licensee shall not employ any of the following persons as his servants to assist him in his business in any capacity whatsoever, namely :—

(i) Women and person below twenty-one years of age;

(ii) Persons suffering from any infectious or contagious disease ;

(iii) Persons who are insane;

(iv) Persons who, in the opinion of the Superintendent, have bad character;

(v) Persons whose Nokarnama or license have previously been cancelled;

(vi) Persons convicted of any criminal offence :

Provided that, in the case of persons falling under clauses (iv), (v) and (vi) the disqualification may at any time be removed by a written order of the Collector.

25 Restriction on sale of toddy to certain persons विशिष्ट व्यक्तींना ताडी विक्रीवर निर्बंध.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not sell toddy to the following categories of persons :-

(i) a lunatic or insane person;

(ii) a person who is in an intoxicated state;

(iii) a person know or suspected to be participating in any rioting or disturbance of peace;

(iv) the Armed Forces of the Union, member of the Police Force, the Prohibition and Excise Department, State Transport and Railway Department or driver of a motor vehicle, when on duty or in uniform or both; and

(v) a person who is under 21 years of age.

26 Stay at night in licensed shop of unauthorised person prohibited अनधिकृत व्यक्तींचा परवानाप्राप्त दुकानात रात्री मुक्काम करण्यास मनाई आहे.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not allow any person except authorised servant holding a valid Nokarnama to stay at night in the licensed shop.

27 Retail price किरकोळ किंमत.[View all order & notifications]


All sales of toddy shall be made for cash only.


The licensee shall not sell toddy at a price exceeding that fixed by the Collector, after taking into account the local conditions and cost of production.

28 Licensed shop to be open for inspection by officers परवानाप्राप्त दुकान अधिकाऱ्यांच्या तपासणीसाठी उघडे असणे.[View all order & notifications]

The licensed shop and the toddy therein shall at all times be open to inspection by the officers empowered under Section 122 of the Act.

29 Books maintained in licensed shop परवानाप्राप्त दुकानात ठेवावयाच्या नोंदवह्या.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall purchase at his cost the accounts register in Form T.R.T.D.-6 and visit book and maintain them correctly. The visit book and the account register shall be page numbered and got sealed with the seal of the Superintendent and properly kept in the licensed shop for inspection of officers to record their inspection remarks therein. The visit book and the accounts register shall not be removed from the licensed shop at any time except under the proper written authority of the Superintendent and the licensee shall be responsible for their safe custody.

30 The licensee to abide by Act, rules, etc. परवानाधारक कायदा, नियम इत्यादींचे पालन करण्यास बांधील असणे.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall abide by the conditions of his licence and the provisions of the Act and rules, regulations and orders made thereunder.

31 Suspension or cancellation of licence परवाना निलंबन किंवा रद्द करणे.[View all order & notifications]

The licence may be suspended or cancelled in accordance with the provisions of Section 54 or 56 of the Act.

32 Powers to issue supplementary instructions पूरक सूचना जारी करण्याचे अधिकार.[View all order & notifications]

The State Government and the Commissioner may issue written instructions providing for any supplemental matter arising out of these rules.

33 Saving बचत/प्रभाव.[View all order & notifications]

Nothing in these rules shall apply to Nira or Neera or affect the operations of any special rules for the tapping of trees for any purposes other than for selling toddy by retail sale under these rules.

FORM T. R. T. D-1

See rule 4

Form of Application for a Licence to sell Toddy by retail


FORM T. R. T. D.-2

See rules 4 and 5 (2)

Licence for the retail sale-of Toddy in Tribal Areas


FORM T. R. T. D. - 3

See rule 14

Pass for the Transport of Toddy from Buns or Tops to the Licensed Shop


FORM T. R. T. D. 4

See rule 17(1)

Application for the permission to tap toddy producing trees


FORM T. R. T. D.-5

See rule 17(2)

Tree tapping permit


FORM T. R. T. D.-6

See rule 18

Form of Register of Receipt and Sale of Toddy to be maintained at the licensed Shop


FORM T. R. T. D.-7

See rule 19

Pass for the Transport of Toddy from the Licensed Shop of the Distillery


FORM T. R. T. D. - 8

See rule 24(1)

Form of Nokarnama


FORM T. R. T. D.-9

See rule 24(1)

Form of Register of Nokar/ Agents to be maintained by the Licensee



See rules 1(2) and 2(i)

Tribal Areas


Rules NO