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G.N.R.D.NO. 1169/51, dated 22nd July, 1955

  1. Amended by G. N., R. D. No. MLS. 1155,(B.G. Pt. IV-B, p.782)., dated 8th June, 1956
  2. Amended by G. N., R. D. No. BPA. 1056, (B.G. Pt. IV-B., p. 1537)., dated 26th July, 1957
  3. Amended by G. N., R. D. No. MLS 1059/146154-J,(B. G., Pt. IV-B, p. 83)., dated 4th January, 1960
  4. Amended by G. N., R. D. No. MLS 1059/14154-J,(B. G. Pt. IV-B, p. 147)., dated 1st February, 1960
  5. Amended by G. N., H. D. No. MLS 1060/35611-III,(M. G., 1961 Pt. IV-B, p. 3)., dated 24th December, 1960
  6. Amended by G. N., H, D. No. MLS. 1159/192740-III,(M. G., Pt. IV-B, p. 3)., dated 25th August, 1962
  7. Amended by G. N., H. D. No. SMP. 1261/61106-III,(M. G., Pt. IV-B. p. 1239)., dated 4th April, 1963
  8. Amended by G. N., H. D. No. BPA. 1059/55336-III,(M. G. Pt. IV-B,p.1239)., dated 25th July, 1963
  9. Amended by G. N.,H. D. No. MLS. 1962/32533-III,(M. G., Pt. IV-B, p. 1628)., dated 9th September, 1965
  10. Amended by G. N., H.D. No. BPA. 1059/55336-III, (M. G. , Pt. IV-B, p. 392)., dated 12th March, 1968
  11. Amended by G. N., H.D. No. MLS. 1067/40724-III,(M. G. Pt. IV-B, p. 1299)., dated 21st August, 1968
  12. Amended by G. N., H.D. No. MLS. 1668/36645-III,(M. G. Pt. IV-B, p. 1304)., dated 19th August, 1969
  13. Amended by G. N., H. D. No. BPA. 1088/XIX-PRO-2, (M. G. Pt. IV-B, p. 294-95)., dated 16th March, 1988
  14. Amended by G. N., H. D. No. BPA. 1090/IV/PRO-3 (M.G. Pt. IV-B. p. 723)., dated 21st March, 1990
  15. Amended by G.N.H.D. No. MLS. 1094/1/V/ Exc-2, (M.G. 1994 Pt. IV-B p. 543-44)., dated 22nd March, 1994
  16. Amended by G.N.H.D. No. MLS. 1595/5/ Exc-2, (M.G. Pt. IV-B p. )., dated 25th July, 1996
  17. Amended by G.N.H.D. No. MLS. 1995/5/ Exc-2, (M.G. Pt. IV-B p. 272 )., dated 6th December, 1996
  18. Amended by G.N.H.D. No. MLS. 1096/II/ Exc-II,(M.G. Pt. IV-B p. 297 )., dated 12th July, 1999
  19. Amended by G.N.H.D. No. MPL. 0209/C.R. 72/ Exc-2, (M.G. Pt. IV-B p. 3 )., dated 30th November, 2009
  20. BPA. 1091/CR-5/Exc-2, dated 9th September, 2015
  21. MPL-0717/C.R.214(2)/EXC-3, dated 1st November, 2017
  22. MPL-0717/C.R.214 (Part-१)/ Exc-3, dated 19th June, 2020

In exercise of the power conferred by section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949), and in suppression of the Bombay Molasses Rules, 1947, the Govermnemt of Bombay is pleased to make the following Rules, namely:

1 Short Title शीर्षक.[View all order & notifications]


These Rules may be called the Bombay Molasses Rules,1955.


They extend to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.]

2 Definitions व्याख्या.[View all order & notifications]


In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, -

(a) “Act” means the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949;

(b) “Factory” means a place where sugar or gur is manufactured;

(c) “Form” means a form appended to these Rules:

(d) “Licensed premises” means premises in respect of which a license is granted

under these Rules;

(e) “Licensee” means a person holding a licence in Form M-I, M-II or M-III

under these Rules;

(f) “Producer of Molasses” means the owner or a person in charge of a factory

where molasses is produced in the process of manufacture of sugar or gur.


Words and expression not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3 Grant of M-I Licence for Possession ans Sale of Molasses by a Producer उत्पादकाकडून मळीची विक्री आणि ताबा मिळवण्यासाठी एम-आय परवाना देणे.[View all order & notifications]

Possession and sale of molasses


Any person who is a producer of molasses and desires to posses and sell molasses shall make an application to the Collector for a licence in that behalf. The application 2[shall be accompanied by a challan evidencing payment of a fee of Rs. 10 for such Application and ] shall contain the following particulars, namely :-

(a) Name and address of the applicant;

(b) Name of the Sugar / Gur factory;

(c) Exact location of the Sugar / Gur factory, and the name of the village, taluka and district in which such factory is situated;

(d) Whether the applicant is the owner or a person in-charge of the factory;

(e) (i) Details of the use or uses which molasses will be put to;

(ii) Quantity required annually for each of such uses in 3 [Quintals] ;

(f) Details of arrangements for the storage of molasses whether pucca built tanks or steel tanks are provided for the storage;

(g) Period for which the licence is required.

4[(h)total quantity of molasses expected to be produced during the year”.]


On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1), the Collector may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may, with the previous approval of the Commissioner grant the applicant a licence in Form M-1 on payment of a fee 5 [Inclusive of consideration] as per the scale prescribed below, per annum, in advance -

Where the quantity of molasses mentioned in the application which is expected to be produced-

1. Does not exceed 5000 Metric Tons 500

2. exceeds 5000 but does not exceed 10,000 Metric Tons 1,000

3. exceeds 10,000 but does not exceed 15,000 Metric Tons 5,000

4. exceeds 15,000 but does not exceed 20,000 Metric Tons 7,500

5. exceeds 20,000 Metric Tons 10,000]

3[Explanation, - For the purpose of charging the fee, the fraction of a year shall be reckoned as one complete year.]

4 Grant of M-II Licence for Possession and Use of Molasses मळी बाळगणे आणि वापरासाठी M-II परवाना देणे.[View all order & notifications]


Any person other than a producer of molasses desiring to posses and use molasses shall make an application to the Collector for a licence in that behalf. The, application 4[“shall be accompanied by a challan eridencing payment of a fee of Rs. 10 for such application and] shall contain the following particulars, namely :-

(a) Name and address of the applicant;

(b) Place where molasses will be kept and used and the name of the village, taluka and district in which such place is situated;

(c) Approximate stock of molasses on the commencement of the required licence (in 1[Quintals]) ;

(d) Total quantity of molasses that would be received during the term of the licence (in 1[Quintals]);

(e) Maximum quantity of molasses to be possessed at any one time (in 1[Quintals]) ;

(f) (i) Detail of purposes for which molasses will be used;

(ii) Quantity required annually for each such purpose (in 1[Quintals]);

(g) Period for which the licence is required.


On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1), the Collector may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may grant a licence in form M-II 3[on payment of the annual fee] 5[(inclusive of consideration)] as specified below :-

(i) Licence for any Government purpose or educational, scientific, medicinal orsample purpose 6[Rs. 10.]

(ii) Licence for an agricultural purpose (subject to the condition that the molasses possessed under this licence shall be mixed with liquid tar to the extent of at least 10 per cent) 6(Rs.10)

2[(ii-a) licence for cattle feed] 6[Rs. 100]

6[“(iii) licence for any other purpose where the quantity of Molasses-

(a) does not exceed 1000M. Tons. 100

(b) exceeds 1000M. Tons but does not exceed 5000M. Tons 500

(c) exceeds 5,000 M. Tons but does not exceed 10,000 M. Tons 1,000

(d) exceeds 10,000 but does not exceeds 15,000 M. Tons 5,000

(e) exceeds 15,000 but does not exceed 20,000 M. Tons 7,500

(f) exceeds 20,000 M. Tons 10,000]

1[Explanation – For the purpose of charging the fee, the fraction of a year shall be reckoned as one complete year.]

5 Grant of M-III Licence for Possession and Use of Molasses by a person other than a producer उत्पादक व्यतिरिक्त इतर व्यक्तीकडून मळीचा ताबा आणि वापरासाठी M-III परवाना देणे.[View all order & notifications]


Any person other than a producer of molasses desiring to posses and sell molasses shall make an application to the Collector for a licence in that behalf. The application 3[“shall be accompanied by a Challan evidencing payment of a fee Rs. 10 for such application and] shall contain the following particulars, namely :-

(a) Name and address of the applicant;

(b) Place where molasses will be kept and sold and the name of The village, taluka and district;

(c) Special reasons, if any, why the licence should be granted;

(d) Approximate number of licensees to whom molasses will be supplied by the applicant;

(e) Approximate total quantity of molasses intended for sale during the period of the licence (in 2[Quintals]);

(f) Period for which the licence is required.


On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1), the Collector may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may grant a licence in Form M-III on payment of a fee 4[“ (inclusive of consideration) of Rs. 500] in advance and shall fix the total quantity of molasses which the license may be allowed to sell during the period of the licence.


Any licence granted under sub-rule (2) shall be renewed for a period not exceeding one year at a time on payment of application fee of Rs. 5 and licence renewal fee same as prescribed in sub-rule (2), unless there has been a breach of any of the terms and conditions of the licence, and/or there is reasons to believe that the licensee has not been working the licence properly”.]

6 Grant of M-III-A Licence for Bago-molasses बॅगो-मोलासिससाठी M-III-A परवाना मंजूर करणे.[View all order & notifications]


Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules any person other than a producer of molasses desiring to purchase, possess and use bagomolasses for purposes of cattle-feed only shall make an application in that behalf stating the quantity of such molasses required by him per month.


On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1), the Collector shall make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may grant the applicant a licence in Form M-III-A on payment of a fee 3[(inclusive of consideration) of rupees five]

7 Molasses Quota for M-I and M-II Licence M-I आणि M-II परवान्यासाठी मोलासेस कोटा.[View all order & notifications]

The Collector shall


in the case of licence in form M-I fix for the licence period the aggregate quantity of molasses which may be allowed to the licensee for all the uses to which molasses is to be put and.


in the case of licence in Form M-II, fix-

(a) the maximum quantity of molasses which the licensee may be allowed to possess under the licence at any one time and to use in a month;

(b) the aggregate of the quantity of molasses at the commencement of the licence and of the quantities of molasses to be received by the licensee from time to time during the period of the licence.

8 M-I Licence to a producer of Molasses as a by-product उप-उत्पादन म्हणून मोलॅसिसच्या उत्पादकाला एम-आय परवाना.[View all order & notifications]

No licence in Form M-I shall be granted unless such licence is required by a producer of a molasses in respect of molasses produced in his factory as a byeproduct in the process of manufacture of sugar or gur.

9 Use of Molasses under M-II Licence M-II परवान्याअंतर्गत मोलॅसिसचा वापर.[View all order & notifications]

No licence in Form M-II shall be granted unless such licence is required for molasses to be used for any of the following purposes, namely :-

(i)            distillation of spirit in a distillery established or licensed under the Act;

(ii)          Manufacture of power alcohol in a distillery established or licensed under the Act; 1[(ii-a) cattle feed;]

(iii)         any Government purpose;

(iv)         any bona fide scientific, industrial, agricultural, educational, medicinal, or sample purpose.

10 Duration of Licences in Form M-I, M-II, M-III/ M-I, M-II, M-III मधील परवान्यांचा कालावधी.[View all order & notifications]

No licence in Form M-I, M-II or M-III shall be granted for a period beyond the 31st day of March next following the date of the commencement of the licence;

2[Provided that a licence in Form M-I or a licence in Form M-II for the purposes specified in items (iii) and (iv) of rule 9 may be granted or renewed for a period not exceeding three years at a time, so however as not to extend beyond the 31st day of March according to the duration for which the licence is granted.]

11 Sale of Molasses only by M-I and M-III Licence holder केवळ M-I आणि M-III परवानाधारकांद्वारे मळीची विक्री.[View all order & notifications]

No person shall sell molasses unless he is holding a licence Form M-I or M-III.

12 Application for M-IV licence for Molasses Import मोलासेस आयातीसाठी M-IV परवान्यासाठी अर्ज.[View all order & notifications]

Import – Any person desiring to import molasses shall make an application to the Collector for a licence in that behalf. The application shall contain the following particulars, namely :-


Name and address of the applicant;


Kind of licence in respect of molasses held by the applicant and its num- ber and date;


Quantity of molasses permitted for possession at any one time under the licence held by him (in 1[Quintals]) ;


Balance of molasses on hand on the date of application (in 1 [Quintals]) ;


Quantity of molasses to be imported (in1[Quintals]);


Place from which molasses is to be imported;


Name and address of the person;


Route (state the place from which removal of molasses to its destination will be by road in the State);


Period for which the licence is required;


Reasons for importing molasses.

13 Grant of M-IV Licence M-IV परवाना देणे.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of an application under rule 12, the Collector may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may grant a licence in Form M-IV on payment of a fee 2[of rupees fifty of rupees five thousandof rupees fifty.


The licence shall be in four parts and shall be dealt with as under :

Part I shall be kept on the record in the office of the Collector granting the licence.

Part II shall be sent to the person supplying molasses.

Part III shall be handed over to the applicant for sending with the consignment and for record thereafter with his accounts.

Part IV shall be forwarded to the Collector or Chief Excise Authority of the place from which molasses are to be imported.

14 Application for M-V Licence for Molasses Export मळी निर्यातीसाठी एम-व्ही परवान्यासाठी अर्ज.[View all order & notifications]



Any person desiring to export molasses shall make an application

to the Collector for a licence in that behalf. The application shall contain the following particulars, namely :

(a) Name and address of the applicant;

(b) Kind of the licence held by the applicant and its number and Date;

(c) Quantity of molasses to be exported (in 1[Quintals]);

(d) Place to which molasses is to be exported;

(e) Name and address of the person to whom molasses is to be sent.

(f) Route (state the place up to which removal of molasses will be by road during its transit in the State);

(g) Period for which the licence is required;

(h) Reasons for exporting molasses.


The application shall be accompanied by an import-permit or no-objection certificate granted by the Collector or Chief Excise Authority of the place of import 2[and by a certificate granted by the Director of Industries, Bombay, to the effect that there is no objection to allow the applicant to export molasses as stated in his application].

15 Grant of M-V Licence M-V परवाना मंजूर करणे.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of an application under rule 14, the Collector may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and of he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the licence applied for, he may grant a licence in Form M-V on payment of a fee 3[of rupees fifty of rupees five thousandof rupees fifty


The licence shall be in four parts and shall be dealt with as under :

Part I shall be kept on the record in the office of the Collector granting the licence.

Part II shall be kept by the person supplying molasses.

Part III shall be handed over to the applicant for sending with the consignment and thereafter shall be kept by the person receiving molasses.

Part IV shall be forwarded to the Collector or Chief Excise Authority of the place to which molasses are to be exported.

16 Prerequisite for Molasses Export and Import Licence मळी निर्यात आणि आयात परवान्यासाठी पूर्व शर्त.[View all order & notifications]

No licence in Form M-IV or M-V shall be granted unless it is required by a person holding a licence for the possession or sale of molasses.

17 Excise Escort during molasses export and import मळी निर्यात आणि आयात दरम्यान अबकारी एस्कॉर्ट.[View all order & notifications]

The person holding a licence in Form M-IV or M-V shall remove molasses under excise escort during its transit by road through the limits of the 1[State of Maharashtra].

18 Application for M-VI Permit for Molasses transport मळी वाहतुकीसाठी एम-VI परमिटसाठी अर्ज.[View all order & notifications]

Transport – Any person desiring to transport molasses, shall make an application to the Collector or any other authorised officer under sub-section (3) of section 61 of the Act for a permit in that behalf. The application shall contain the following particulars, namely :-


Name and address of the applicant;


Kind of the licence held in respect of molasses by the applicant and its number and date;


Quantity of molasses permitted for possession at any one time under the above licence (in 4[Quintals]);


Balance of molasses on hand on the date of application (in 4[Quintals]);


Quantity of molasses to be transported in (in 4[Quintals]);


(a) Place from which molasses is to be transported;

(b) Place to which molasses is to be transported;


Name of the person authorised to transported;


Name and address of the person from whom molasses will be obtained;


Route (state also the place from and to which transport of molasses will be by road) ;


Period for which the permit is required.

19 Grant of M-VI Permit M-VI परमिट देणे.[View all order & notifications]


On receipt of an application under rule 18, the Collector or the authorised officer may make such inquiries as he deems necessary and if he is satisfied that there is no objection to grant the permit applied for, he may grant a permit in Form M-VI on payment of a fee 3[at the rate of rupee one per metric ton of molasses to be transported at the rate of rupees five hundred per metric ton of molasses to be transported] at the rate of rupee one per metric ton of molasses to be transported.

Provided that on import and export of molasses an additional fee of rupees five hundred per metric ton will be applicable as transport fee for M-VI Permit. 

5[*]   Power to issue Transport Permits in form M-VI to persons holding license in form M-I   [ As per G. O.H.D. No. BPA 1093/I/PRO-2, dt. 16th October 1993]





The permit shall be in four parts and shall be dealt with as under :-

Part I shall be kept on the record in the office of the Collector or the officer granting the permit.

Part II shall be sent to the person supplying molasses.

Part III shall be handed over to the applicant for sending with the consignment and for record thereafter with his accounts.

Part IV shall be forwarded to the prohibition and Excise Officer of the place to which molasses are to be transported.

20 Prerequisite to grant M-VI Permit for Molasses Transport मळी वाहतुकीसाठी M-VI परमिट देण्याची पूर्व शर्त.[View all order & notifications]

No permit for the transport of molasses shall be granted unless it is required by a person holding a licence for the possession or sale of molasses.

21 Excise Escort for Molasses Transportation मळी वाहतुकीसाठी अबकारी एस्कॉर्ट.[View all order & notifications]

The permit-holder shall transport molasses under excise escort during its transit by road (except in case of molasses, transported by a fixed route in tankers locked with revenue locks, the loading and unloading and locking and unlocking of tanks being made under the supervision of the Central or State Excise Officers as the case may be)].

22 Molasses Storage Tank मळी साठवण टाकी.[View all order & notifications]

Rules for licensee holding a licence in Form M-I, M-II or M-III – All storage tanks or receptacles of molasses shall be serially numbered by the licensee all storage tanks of molasses shall be of steel, leak proof, fully covered and shall be serially numbered by the licensee.

23 Molasses Storage Conditions मळी साठवण अटी.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall keep his premises, tanks and other receptacles for the storage of molasses clean and in good condition and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent deterioration of the quality of molasses through admixture with water or any extraneous substance. He shall destroy or dispose of the deteriorated molasses. 1 [in the manner ordered by the Collector].

24 Molasses Storage Inspection मळी साठवण तपासणी.[View all order & notifications]

The premises, tanks, or other receptacles used of the storage of molasses, accounts, permits, licences and the stocks of molasses shall, at all times, be open to inspection by the Collector or any officer duly empowered in that behalf. The licensee shall explain any discrepancy or irregularity noticed by the inspecting officer and shall comply with the orders issued by the Collector in connection therewith. He shall if so required by the inspecting officer weigh or measure molasses by any method which may be suitable or practicable. He shall install electronic weighments confirming to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the purpose of weighing molasses and the vehicles carrying molasses.

25 Removal of Molasses मळी काढणे.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not remove nor shall he permit any person to remove any molasses from the storage tanks or receptacles except under a valid transport permit

26 Molasses handling Employees मळी हाताळणारे कर्मचारी.[View all order & notifications]


The license shall maintain at his licensed premises a register containing the names of the manager and all other persons employed by him for carrying on the operation of receipt, storage, issue, removal or use of molasses and shall furnish in writing to the Superintendent or District Inspector of Prohibition and Excise the list of persons so employed for carrying on the said operations.


Every person either permanently or temporarily employed by the licensee shall be provided with a round badge bearing a consecutive number and the name of the licensee. The licensee shall issue instructions to all persons employed by him to show, on demand, their badge to the Superintendent or District Inspector of Prohibition and excise or the Sub-Inspector of prohibition and excise or any other prohibition officer.

27 Supervision over Molasses मळीवर देखरेख.[View all order & notifications]


The Commissioner may appoint such supervisory staff as in his opinion is necessary for the proper supervision of all arrangements and operations connected with the receipt, storage, issue, removal and use of molasses.


No molasses shall be received into or issued by the licensee from the storage tanks or other receptacles except under the supervision of the officer, if any such officer is appointed by the Commissioner. All storage tanks and receptacles of molasses, in that case, shall locked by the licensee and the officer with separate locks;

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-rule shall apply to the carrying on of operations by the holder of a licence in Form M-I Connected with receipt and storage of molasses which are produced at his factory.

28 Working on holidays सुट्टीच्या दिवशीचे कामकाज.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall not, except with the previous permission of the Superintendent or District Inspector of Prohibition and Excise, or the supervisory staff, appointed under sub-rule (1) of rule 27 above, carry on any operations connected with the receipt, storage, issue or removal of molasses on Sundays and public holidays sanctioned by Government nor on any day before or after the working hours fixed by the Commissioner for this purpose. Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall apply to the carrying on of operations by the holder of a licence in Form M-I connected with receipt and storage of molasses which are produced at his factory.

29 Winding up of business व्यवसाय बंद करणे.[View all order & notifications]

In case the licensee wants to wind up his business, he shall give one clear calender month’s notice to the Commissioner through the Collector of his intention to do so.

30 Analysis of Molasses मळीचे विश्लेषण.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall allow the officer appointed to supervise his operations or any other inspecting officer to take samples of molasses, free of cost, from any place, tank or receptacle, whenever he consider it necessary, for the purpose of chemical analysis by 2[Western Maharashtra Development Corporation limited, Pune or Messers. Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune or any chemical analyser or laboratory declared for this purpose in all the revenue divisions in the State of Maharashtra by the Commissioner, State Excise on the recommendations of the Director, Technical Education to that extent or Chemical Analyser] to the Government of India to test purity of molasses to determine its quality.

31 Display of the licence परवान्याचे प्रदर्शन.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall display his licence conspicuously at his licensed premises.

32 Visit Book भेट पुस्तिका.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall maintain at his licensed premises a visit book paged and stamped with the seal of the Collector 1[or the 2[Mamledar or Tahsildar] or the Mahalakari or any other officer authorised in that behalf by the Collector] in which Inspecting Officers may record their remarks. The licensee shall, on the termination of the licence, deliver up the visit book, the licence, the accounts and the permits to the Local Prohibition and Excise Officer.

33 Transfer of Licence from one name to another परवान्याचे एका नावावरून दुसऱ्या नावावर हस्तांतरण.[View all order & notifications]

Except with the permission of the Collector, the licensee shall not sell, transfer or sub-let the right conferred upon him by his licence nor shall he, in connection with the exercise of the said right, enter into any agreement which, in the opinion of the Collector, is of the nature of a sub-lease.

34 Partnership in the Licence परवान्यातील भागीदारी.[View all order & notifications]

No person shall be recognised as a partner of the licensee for the purpose of his licence, unless the partnership has been declared to the Collector before the licence is granted and the names of the partners have been entered jointly in the licence or, if the partnership is entered into after the granting of the licence, unless the Collector agrees, on application made to him, to alter the licence and to add the name or names of the partner or partners in the License.

35 Discretion of Collector regarding Continuance of Licence परवाना चालू ठेवण्याबाबत जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांचा विवेक.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee, his heirs and assignees shall have no claim whatsoever to the continuance or renewal of his licence after the expiry of the period for which it is granted. It shall be entirely within the discretion of the Collector whether to permit or not to permit the heir, in case of death, or the assignee of the licensee, in the case of sale or transfer, to have the benefit of the licence for the unexpired portion of the licence period.

36 Licensee to abide by the Provisions and to comply with orders and directions तरतुदींचे पालन करण्यासाठी आणि आदेश आणि निर्देशांचे पालन करण्यासाठी परवानाधारकाला बंधन.[View all order & notifications]


The licensee shall abide by the provisions of the Act and rules, regulations and orders made thereunder from time to time.


The licensee shall comply with all lawful orders and directions issued to him by the Commissioner or Collector within such time as may be specified by the Commissioner or the Collector in the order or direction.

37 Undertaking by the Licensee परवानाधारकाकडून हमीपत्र.[View all order & notifications]

The licensee shall give an undertaking in writing to the Collector to abide by the provisions of the Act, the rules, regulations and orders made thereunder and the conditions of his licence.

38 Special rule for M-I Licensee M-I परवानाधारकांसाठी विशेष नियम.[View all order & notifications]

Special rules for licensees holding a licence in Form M-I -


The licensee holding a licence in Form M-I shall leave sufficient space in the cover of the tanks or receptacles to scoop out samples.


Molasses from the storage tanks or other receptacles required for use in any process at the factory or for use in the distillery attached to the factory shall be taken there through pipe connections under the supervision of the officers; but before doing so the licensee shall give an intimation to the officer stating the quantity of molasses so required, the tank or receptacle from which required and also the time when required.


The licensee shall, in a book paged and sealed with the seal of the Collector or Mamledar or Tahsildar, maintain day to day a true and correct account of molasses –

(a) separately stored by him in each storage tank, pit or receptacle in Form M-A, and

(b) stocked by him at his licensed premises in Form M-B.


The licensee shall submit a statement in Form M-C on or before the 7th day of every month showing the opening balance, receipts, issues and closing balance of molasses during the preceding month, to the Superintendent or the District Inspector or Prohibition and Excise through the –

(a) Prohibition and Excise Officer-in-charge of the distillery attached to the factory, or

(b) Central Excise Inspector-in-charge of the factory where there is no such distillery, or

(c) Prohibition and Excise Officer in whose jurisdiction the factory is situation if there is no such prohibition and Excise Officer, or

(d) Central Excise Inspector-in-charge of the distillery or factory.]

39 Special rule for M-II Licensee M-II परवानाधारकांसाठी विशेष नियम.[View all order & notifications]

Special rule for licensees holding a licence in Form M-II –


The licensee shall not receive his supplies of molasses from any person other than -

(i) a person who holds in the [State of Maharashtra ] a licence in Form M-I or M-III; or

(ii) a person who is directed by the State Government to sell molasses to him; or

(iii) a person outside the 2[State of Maharashtra].


All molasses received by the licensee at his premises shall be covered by a valid transport permit if brought from any place in the 2[State of Maharashtra] or by a valid import licence if brought from any place outside in the 2[State of Maharashtra].


Except as directed by the State Government under any law for the time being in force, the licensee holding a licence in Form M-II shall not sell or transfer any molasses possessed by him under the licence.


The licensee shall, in a book paged and sealed with the seal of the Collector or Mamledar or Tahsildar, maintain day to day a true and correct account of molasses held by him at his licensed premises in Form M-D.


The licensee shall submit a statement in Form M-E on or before the 7th day of every month showing the opening balance, receipts, issues and closing balance of molasses during the preceding month, to the Superintendent or the District Inspector of Prohibition and Excise through the local Prohibition and Excise Officer.]

40 Special rule for M-III Licensee M-III परवानाधारकांसाठी विशेष नियम.[View all order & notifications]

Special rule for licensee holding a licence in Form M-III –


The licensee holding a licence in Form M-III shall not receive his supplies of molasses from any person other than -

(i) a person who holds in the 1[State of Maharashtra] a licence in Form M-I or M-III;

(ii) a person who is directed by the State Government, the Commissioner or the Collector to sell molasses to him;

(iii) a person outside the 1[State of Maharashtra].


All molasses received by the licensee at his premises shall be covered by a valid transport permit if brought from a place in the 1[State of Maharashtra] or by a valid import licence if brought from any place outside the 1[State of Maharashtra].


The licensee shall in a book paged and sealed with the seal of the Collector or Mamledar or Tahsildar maintain day to day a true and correct account of receipts, sales and balances of molasses in Form M-F.


The licensee shall submit a statement in Form M-G on or before the 7th day of every month showing the opening balance, receipts, sales and closing balance of molasses during the preceding month, to the Superintendent or the District Inspector of Prohibition and Excise through the local Prohibition and Excise Officer.]

41 Possession or Transport for Domestic Purpose घरगुती उद्देशासाठी ताबा किंवा वाहतूक.[View all order & notifications]

Possession or transport for domestic purpose. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules, it shall be lawful for any person to possess or transport without a licence or permit, as the case may be, molasses not exceeding such quantity as the Commissioner or Collector may specify for any local area as the permitted quantity for domestic purposes.

3A Renewal of M-I licence M-I परवान्याचे नूतनीकरण.[View all order & notifications]

Renewal of Licence – Any licence granted under sub-rule (2) of rule 3 shall be renewed for a period not exceeding one year at a time, on payment of application fee of Rs. 5 and renewal licence fee same as prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 3 unless there has been a breach of any of the terms and conditions of the licence, and/or that the licensee has not been working the licence properly.”]

4.A Renewal of M-II Licence M-II परवान्याचे नूतनीकरण.[View all order & notifications]

Renewal of Licence – Any licence granted under sub-rule(2) of rule 4 shall be renewed for a period not exceeding one year at a time on payment of application fee of Rs. 5 and licence renewal fee same as prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 4, unless there has been a breach of any terms and conditions of the licence, and/or that the licensee has not been working the licence properly.


See rule 3

Licence for possession and sale of molasses by a producer of molasses.



See rule 4

Licence for possession of molasses to persons other than Producers of Molasses.



See rule 5

Licence for the sale of molasses



See rule 6

Licence for purchase, possession or use of Bago molasses for purposes of cattle-feed



See rule 13

Licence for the import of molasses



See rule 15

Licence for the export of molasses



See rule 19

Permit for the transport of molasses



See rule 38(3)]

Account of molasses



See rule 38(3)

Total stock register of molasses



See rule 38(4)

Monthly statement of molasses received and issued during the month



[See rule 39(4)]

Form of account to be maintained by the holder of the licence in Form M-II for Possession and use of molasses



See rule 39(5)

Monthly statement of molasses, received and issued during the month



See rule 40(3)

Form of Account to be maintained by the holder of the licence in Form M-III (other than producer of molasses) for possession and/or sale of molasses



See rule 40 (4)

Monthly statement of molasses received, sold and in balance for the month


Rules NO