Table Of Content
Excise Manual Volume - I
CHAPTER I - Preliminary. CHAPTER II -Establishment. CHAPTER III - Prohibitions CHAPTER IV Control, Regulation and Exemptions
25. Exemption of Preparations 26. Distilleries and Warehouses for intoxicants. 27. Intoxicant or hemp not to be removed from Warehouse, etc. 28. Passes for import, etc. 29. Through transport. 30. (Deleted) 31. Licences for bona fide medicinal or other purposes. 31A. Licences for purchase, etc. of liquor for manufacture of articles mentioned in section 24A. 32. Licences for tapping of Neera. 33. Trade and Import Licences. 34. Vendor’s Licences. 35. Hotel Licences. 36. (Deleted) 37. (Deleted) 38. Licences to Shipping Companies and to Masters of Ships. 39. Permission to use or consume foreign liquor on Warships, Troop Ship and in Messes and Canteens of Armed Forces. 40. Permits. 40A. Health permits. 40B. Emergency permits. 41. Special permits to Foreign Sovereigns, etc. 42. (Deleted) 43. Regulation of use or consumption of Foreign Liquor by certain Permit holders. 44. Licence to clubs. 45. Authorization for Sacramental purposes. 46. Visitor’s permit. 46A. Tourist’s permit. 47. Interim permits. 48. Permits for consumption or use of Intoxicating Drugs or Opium. 48A. Permits to be non-transferable. 49. Exclusive privilege of Government to import, etc., intoxicants and fees levied include rent or consideration for grant of such privilege to person concerned. 50. (Deleted) 51. (Deleted) 52. Power of authorized officer to grant licences, permits and passes in certain cases. 53. General conditions regarding licences, etc. 53A. Certain Licencees required to keep measures, etc. 54. Power to cancel or suspend Licences and Permits. 55. Holder of licence, etc. not entitled to compensation or refund of fee for cancellation or suspension thereof. 56. Cancellation for other reasons. 57. Attachment of licence. 58. Right, Title or Interest under Licence not liable to be sold or attached in execution. 58A. Supervision over manufacture, etc. 59. Supervision over manufacture, etc.
CHAPTER IV-A – Control and regulation of articles mentioned in section 24A to prevent their use as intoxicating liquor. CHAPTER IV-B – Control and Regulation of Denatured Spirituous Preparations to prevent their use as intoxicating liquor CHAPTER V. MHOWRA FLOWERS CHAPTER VI– Control and regulation of Molasses CHAPTER VII – Offences and Penalties.
65. Penalty for illegal, import, etc. of intoxicant or hemp. 66. Penalty for illegal cultivation and collection of hemp and other matters. 66A. Penalty for illegal import, etc. of opium. 67. Penalty for alteration or attempting to alter denatured spirit. 67-1A. Penalty for alteration or attempting to alter denatured spirituous preparation. 67-1B. Penalty for contravention of provision regarding prescriptions. 67A. Penalty for manufacturing articles mentioned in section 24A in contravention of the provisions of section 59A. 67B. Penalty for failure to satisfy the Commissioner under sub-section (1), or to comply with a requisition under sub-section (2), or section 59-B. 67C. Penalty for possessing, etc. denatured spirituous preparations in contravention of provisions of section 59C and 59D. 68. Penalty for opening etc., of common drinking house. 69. Penalty for illegal import, etc., mhowra flowers. 70. Penalty for illegal import, etc. of molasses. 71.(Deleted) 72. Penalty for removal of intoxicant, etc. 73. Penalty for printing or publishing advertisement in contravention of provisions of Act, etc. 74. Penalty for circulating, etc. newspapers, etc. containing advertisements regarding intoxicants, etc. 75. Penalty for inciting or encouraging certain acts. 76. Penalty for neglect to keep measures, etc. 77. Penalty for misconduct by licensee, etc. 78. Penalty for misconduct by licensed vendor or manufacturer. 79. Liability of licensee for act of servants. 80. Import, export etc. of intoxicant by any person on account of another. 81. Penalty for attempts or abetment. 82. Breach of licence, permit, etc. to be an offence. 83. Penalty for conspiracy. 84. Penalty for being found drunk in any drinking house. 85. Penalty for being drunk and for disorderly behaviour. 86. Penalty for allowing any premises to be used for purpose of committing an offence under Act. 87. Penalty for chemist, druggist or apothecary for allowing his premises to be used for purpose of consumption of liquor. 88. Penalty for issuing false prescriptions. 89. Penalty for maliciously giving false information. 90. Penalty for offences not otherwise provided for. 91. Demand for security for abstaining from commission of certain offences. 92.(Deleted) 93. Demand of security for good behaviour. 94. Execution of bonds in respect of minors. 95. Punishment for vexatious search seizure or arrest. 96. Punishment for vexatious delay. 97. Punishment for abetment for escape of persons arrested. 98. Things liable to confiscation. 99. Return of thing liable to confiscation to bona fide owners. 100. Procedure in confiscation. 101. Power of Collector, etc., to order sale or destruction of articles liable to confiscation. 102. Forfeiture of any publication containing advertisement or matter soliciting use of intoxicants. 103. Presumption as to commission of offences in certain case. 103A. (Deleted) 104. Compounding of offences. 104A. Bombay Probation of Offenders Act, 1938, and section 562 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, not to apply to persons convicted of offence under this Act.
CHAPTER VIII- Excise Duties. CHAPTER IX- Powers & Duties of Officers and Procedure. CHAPTER X- Appeals and Revision CHAPTER XI- Miscellaneous SCHEDULES
CHAPTER I -Date of Applicationof Act. CHAPTER II - Molasses
The Bombay Molasses Rules, 1955.
These rules prescribe the procedure for the manufacture, possession, and transport of molasses in the State of Maharashtra.
Section 143
9. Holders of licences in form M-I to issue permit in form M-VI.
This notification empowers the holders of licences in form M-I to issue permit in form M-VI.
10. Holders of licences in form M-IV exempted from provision of Rule 21 of the Bombay Molasses Rules, 1955.
This notification exempts the holders of licences in form M-IV from the provisions of Rule 21 of the Bombay Molasses Rules, 1955.
11. Exempting distilleries from selling molasses or wash to Executive Engineer, Field Unit Division, Bombay.
This notification exempts distilleries from selling molasses or wash to the Executive Engineer, Field Unit Division, Bombay.
Section 139 (1) (c)
12. Exempting Executive Engineer, Field Unit Division, Bombay from provision of section 27 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
This notification exempts the Executive Engineer, Field Unit Division, Bombay from the provisions of section 27 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
Section 139 (1) (c)
13. Rate of Supervision charges on molasses transported / exported to other state etc.
This notification prescribes the rate of supervision charges on molasses transported or exported to other states.
Section 58-A
14. The Maharashtra Molasses Storage and Supply Regulations, 1965.
These regulations prescribe the procedure for the storage and supply of molasses in the State of Maharashtra.
Section 144 (1) (a) and (b)
15. Specifying permitted quantity of molasses for domestic purpose.
This notification specifies the permitted quantity of molasses that can be possessed for domestic purposes.
Rule 41 of the Bom. Molasses Rules, 1955.
CHAPTER III - Mhowra Flowers
The Bombay Mhowra Flowers Rules, 1950.
These rules prescribe the procedure for the possession and transport of Mhowra flowers in the State of Maharashtra.
Section 143
17. Order specifying person to whom licences for possession of Mhowra Flowers exceeding prescribed limit can be granted.
This order specifies the persons who can be granted licences for the possession of Mhowra flowers exceeding the prescribed limit.
Section 139
18. Requirement of transport pass when Mhowra Flowers are transported through area in which no vacation period or vacation period expired.
This notification requires a transport pass for the transportation of Mhowra flowers through an area in which there is no vacation period or the vacation period has expired.
Section 60(2)
Amended Schedule 19. Prescribing limit in weight of Mhowra Flowers for the purpose of Section 60(2) of the B.P. Act., 1949.
This notification prescribes the limit in weight of Mhowra flowers for the purpose of Section 60(2) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
Section 143(1)
20. The Bombay Prohibition (Mhowra Flowers) Prescribed Limit in Weight Rules, 1963.
These rules prescribe the prescribed limit in weight of Mhowra flowers for the purpose of Section 60(2) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
Section 143 (1)
21. Prescribing vacation periods, for certain areas in the State.
This notification prescribes the vacation periods for certain areas in the State of Maharashtra.
Section 60(2)
22. Prohibiting grant of import passes for Mhowra Flowers without prior approval of Commissioner.
This notification prohibits the grant of import passes for Mhowra flowers without the prior approval of the Commissioner.
Section 139(1)
  • 29. The Maharashtra Toddy Shops (Licensing) and Toddy Trees (Tapping) Rules, 1968.
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the licensing and tapping of toddy trees in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143 (2)
  • 30. The Maharashtra Toddy Shops (Grant of Licences by Auction-cum- Tender) Order, 2001.
    This order prescribes the procedure for the grant of toddy licences by auction or tender in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 139 (1) (k) (l) & (m)
  • 31. Auction and Tender System for issuing toddy licence in Form T.D.I., suspended for 4 year w.e.f. 1st September.
    This order suspends the auction and tender system for issuing toddy licences in Form T.D.I. for a period of 4 years from 1st September.
    Section 139(1)(c)
  • 32. Order rescinding exemption from provisions of Toddy rules and Order.
    This order rescinds the exemption from the provisions of the Toddy Rules and Order granted to certain persons.
    Section 139(1)(c)
  • 33. Remission of Tree Tax on Toddy Producing Trees.
    This order remits the tree tax on toddy producing trees in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 139(1)(d1)
  • 34. Prescribing rates of duty on toddy producing trees from which toddy is drawn.
    This notification prescribes the rates of duty on toddy producing trees from which toddy is drawn in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 109 (1)
  • 35. Investing the holders of licences for retail sale of toddy, with powers under Section 28, to issue passes in Form TD-3 for transport of toddy.
    This notification invests the holders of licences for retail sale of toddy with the powers under Section 28 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, to issue passes in Form TD-3 for transport of toddy.
    Section 6(2)
  • 36. Exempting toddy containing not more than five per cent of alcohol by volume from certain provisions of Sections 12(c) & (d) and 13 (b)
    This notification exempts toddy containing not more than five per cent of alcohol by volume from certain provisions of Sections 12(c) & (d) and 13 (b) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    Section 25
    37. Directions to close down the toddy shops in Pandharpur Town of Sholapur district during the festival of Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi
    This order directs the closure of the toddy shops in Pandharpur Town of Sholapur district during the festival of Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi.
    Rule 5A of Toddy Rules.
    38. The Maharashtra Toddy Shops (Licensing in Tribal Areas) and Toddy Trees (Tapping in Tribal Areas) Rules, 1981
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the licensing and tapping of toddy trees in tribal areas in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2) (b) (c) (f) (g) (h1) (i) (k) (l) (13) & (u)
    39. The Toddy (Manufacture, Possession and Consumption) Rules, 1961
    These rules prescribe the conditions under which toddy may be manufactured, possessed, and consumed in the State of Maharashtra.
    Sections 143 (2), 52 & 53.
    40. Prescribing rate of duty on toddy producing trees in Chanda district
    This notification prescribes the rate of duty on toddy producing trees in Chanda district in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 109 (1)
  • CHAPTER VI - Rectified Spirit CHAPTER VII - Spirituous Preparations
    44. The Bombay Spirituous Preparations (Manufacturing) Rules, 1955
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the manufacture of spirituous preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    45. The Bombay Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Use of Liquor) Rules, 1955
    These rules prescribe the conditions under which liquor may be used in the manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    46. The Bombay Toilet Preparations (Sales) Rules, 1954
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the sale of toilet preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    47. The Bombay Spirituous Medicinal Preparations (Sale) Rules, 1954
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the sale of spirituous medicinal preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    48. The Maharashtra Spirituous Preparations (Import and Export) Rules, 1963
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the import and export of spirituous preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)(b)
    49. The importer or manufacturer or articles determined as unfit for use as intoxicating liquor has to declare the stock and maintain accounts etc.
    This notification requires the importer or manufacturer of articles determined as unfit for use as intoxicating liquor to declare the stock and maintain accounts of such articles.
    Section 143(2)(v) & Section 107-A
    50. The Bombay Prohibition (Board of Experts) Rules, 1954
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the constitution and functions of the Board of Experts constituted under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    Sections 143 & 6A
    51. List of preparations declared by Government as fit for use as intoxicating liquor.
    This list contains the names of preparations that have been declared by the Government as fit for use as intoxicating liquor.
    Section 6A (6)
    52. Delegation of powers under Section 58-A to the Commissioner in relation to manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparation containing alcohol.
    This notification delegates the powers of the Government under Section 58-A of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, to the Commissioner in relation to the manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol.
    Section 10
    53. Direction of the Commissioner that the manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol shall be under excise supervision.
    This notification directs the Commissioner that the manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol shall be under excise supervision.
    Section 58-A
    CHAPTER VIII - Denatured Spirit and Denatured Spirituous Preparations
    54. The Bombay Denatured Spirit Rules, 1959
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the denaturing of spirit in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    55. Prescribing form of licence authorising storage in bond and sale for export by sea outside India in bond of denatured spirit
    This notification prescribes the form of licence that must be obtained by persons who wish to store denatured spirit in bond and sell it for export by sea outside India.
    Section 143
    56. The Maharashtra Denatured Spirituous Preparations Rules, 1963
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the manufacture, storage, sale, and transport of denatured spirituous preparations in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2) & 59-D
    57. Exempting certain denatured spirituous preparations from the provisions of Section 59-C and 59-D
    This notification exempts certain denatured spirituous preparations from the provisions of Sections 59-C and 59-D of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    Section 139(d)
    58. Exempting all denatured spirituous preparations from the provisions of Sections 59-C and 59-D so far as they relate to possession and transport
    This notification exempts all denatured spirituous preparations from the provisions of Sections 59-C and 59-D of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, so far as they relate to possession and transport.
    Section 139(d)
    59. Exempting certain denatured spirituous preparations from provisions of Section 59-D (1) (b) in respect of export
    This notification exempts certain denatured spirituous preparations from the provisions of Section 59-D(1)(b) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, in respect of export.
    Section 139(1) (d)
    59-A Exempting denatured spiritious preparat- ions excluding french polish, thinners and varnishes (other than picture varnishes) from provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 59-D
    This notification exempts denatured spirituous preparations excluding french polish, thinners and varnishes (other than picture varnishes) from the provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 59-D of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    Section 59-D
    CHAPTER IX - Country Liquor
    60. The Maharashtra Country Liquor Rules, 1973
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the manufacture, storage, and sale of country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)(a)
    61. The Maharashtra Country Liquor (Ceiling on Wholesale Price) Rules, 1973
    These rules prescribe the maximum prices at which country liquor may be sold in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)
    62. The Maharashtra Country Liquor (Ceiling on Retail Price) Rules, 1973
    These rules prescribe the maximum prices at which country liquor may be sold in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)
    63. The Maharashtra Country Liquor (Ceiling on Ex-Manufactory Price) Rules, 1989
    These rules prescribe the ceiling on ex-manufactory price of country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)
    64. The Maharashtra Country Liquor (Ceiling on Wholesale Price, Retail Price and Ex-manufactory Price) (Repeal) Rules, 1993
    These rules repeal the Maharashtra Country Liquor (Ceiling on Wholesale Price, Retail Price and Ex-manufactory Price) Rules, 1989.
    Section 143(2)
    65. The Maharashtra Country Liquor (Import and Sale by Wholesale) (f) (g) (h-1) Rules, 1975
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the import and sale by wholesale of country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143(2)
    66. Investing the officers of Food and Drug Administrations, Maharashtra State, with powers under Section 122 in respect of inspection of country liquor licences and drawing of samples for testing purpose
    Section 6(1)
    67. Chemical analyser for the purpose of CL Rule, 1973
    This notification specifies the chemical analysers who are authorized to test country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 6(2)
    68. Investing holder of CLII licences for wholesale sale of country liquor, to issue passes in Form CL XVII for transport of country liquor
    This notification empowers the holders of CLII licences to issue passes for the transport of country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 6(2)
    69. Exempting holders of C. L. II licences S. 139 (1) (c) 566
    This notification exempts holders of C. L. II licences from the provisions of rule 18 of the Maharashtra Country Liquor Rules, 1973.
    Section 139(1)(c)
    70. Exempting the Superintendent, S. 139 (1) (c) 567
    This notification exempts the Superintendent, Government Distillery Chitali from provisions of rule 5 of the Maharashtra Country Liquor Rules, 1973.
    Section 139(1)(c)
    71. Exempting country liquor produced S. 139 (1) (d) 567
    This notification exempts country liquor produced from spirit distilled from bases other than molasses and blended country liquor from the provisions of ceiling on prices.
    Section 139(1)(d)
    72. Rates of excise duty on country S. 105 567
    This notification specifies the rates of excise duty on country liquor transported or imported for consumption to or into any place in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 105
    73. Rates of excise duty on country liquor S. 105 transported from a manufactory to, or imported into any place in the State of Maharashtra. (Superceded by G .N.H.D. dated 13 - 9 -1996). 74. Order prohibiting the grant of licences S. 139 (1) (a) 569
    This notification prohibits the grant of licences in Form C. L. I. for manufacturing country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 139(1)(a)
    75. Specifying Chemical Analysers under S. 143 the Maharashtra Country Liquor Rules, 1973.
    This notification specifies the chemical analysers who are authorized to test country liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section 143
    CHAPTER X - (A) Foreign liquor Manufacture. CHAPTER X - (B) Description of Country Liquor declared as Foreign Liquor. CHAPTER X - (C) Licensing, Import, Export, Fees etc.
    83. The Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the manufacture, storage, sale, import, export, and transport of foreign liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143
    84. The Maharashtra Draught Beer (Retail Sale) Regulations, 1995
    These regulations regulate the retail sale of draught beer in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 144(1)
    85. The Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Storage in Bond) Rules, 1964
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the storage of foreign liquor in bond in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143(1) & (2)
    86. Prohibiting the grant and renewal of licence in form B.W.I.
    This notification prohibits the grant and renewal of licence in form B.W.I., which is a licence to sell foreign liquor in bulk.
    Section: 143(2)
    87. The Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Storage and Supply) Regulations, 1964
    These regulations prescribe the procedure for the storage and supply of foreign liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 144(1)(a) & (b)
    88. The Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Sale on Cash Register of Sales, etc.) Rules 1969
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the sale of foreign liquor on cash register and the maintenance of records of sales.
    Section: 143(2)
    89. The Special Permits and Licences Rules, 1952
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the grant of special permits and licences for the manufacture, storage, sale, import, export, and transport of intoxicating liquors in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143
    90. The Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Import and Export) Rules, 1963
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the import and export of foreign liquor in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143(2)
    91. The Maharashtra Indian Made Foreign Liquor (Transport and Export under Bond) Rules, 1968
    These rules prescribe the procedure for the transport and export of Indian made foreign liquor under bond in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143
    92. The Bombay Foreign Liquor and Rectified Spirit (Transport Fees) Rules, 1954
    These rules prescribe the fees payable for the transport of foreign liquor and rectified spirit in the State of Maharashtra.
    Section: 143(2)(b), (f) and (u)
    93. Prohibiting the sale of foreign liquor to certain permit holders
    This notification prohibits the sale of foreign liquor to certain permit holders, such as those who have been convicted of an offence under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    Section: 143(2)(k)
    94. Constitution of Medical Boards of I.M.F.L. permits
    This notification constitutes Medical Boards to examine and grant permits for the import of Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) for medical purposes.
    Section: 8
    95. Conditions for removal of medicated or tonic wine from port of Land Custom Station etc.
    This notification prescribes the conditions for the removal of medicated or tonic wine from port of Land Custom Station etc.
    Section 143(2)(b)
    96. Direction to close down the licensed premises of F. L. Trade and Import and Vendors licences during elections.
    This notification directs the closure of licensed premises of F. L. Trade and Import and Vendors licences during elections.
    Rule 9 of M.F.L. (Sale on cash, Register of sales) Rules, 1969.
    97. Directions to close the ‘E’ bar licences during Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi Festivals, in Pandharpur of Sholapur district.
    This notification directs the closure of ‘E’ bar licences during Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi Festivals, in Pandharpur of Sholapur district.
    Condition 1(b) of “E” licence
    98. Directions to close down the Vendor’s shops in Pandharpur Town of Sholapur district during Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi festivals.
    This notification directs the closure of Vendor’s shops in Pandharpur Town of Sholapur district during Ashadhi and Kartiki Ekadashi festivals.
    Rule 9 of M.F.L. (Sale on Cash etc.) Rules, 1969.
    CHAPTER X - (D) Delegation/Investment of Powers.
    99. Delegation of powers to the Commi-
    ssioner to refund Excise Duty and
    Transport Fee paid on Indian Made
    Foreign Liquor exported from the
    State. (17)
    Section 10(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to delegate powers to the Commissioner to refund Excise Duty and Transport Fee paid on Indian Made Foreign Liquor exported from the State. This notification delegates powers to the Commissioner to refund Excise Duty and Transport Fee paid on Indian Made Foreign Liquor exported from the State in the State.
    100. Delegation of powers to Collectors to
    approve feeder godowns in respect of
    foreign liquor vendors licensees in
    their respective jurisdiction.
    Section 10(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to delegate powers to Collectors to approve feeder godowns in respect of foreign liquor vendors licensees in their respective jurisdiction. This notification delegates powers to Collectors to approve feeder godowns in respect of foreign liquor vendors licensees in their respective jurisdiction in the State.
    101. Delegating powers to Collectors to
    grant and renew licence in Form BRL
    for manufacture of wine.
    Section 10(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to delegate powers to Collectors to grant and renew licence in Form BRL for manufacture of wine. This notification delegates powers to Collectors to grant and renew licence in Form BRL for manufacture of wine in the State.
    102. Directing the Collectors to obtain
    prior approval of the Government for
    and (n) granting F. L. III licencees under the
    Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953. (Revoked by G.N. of 17-2-1989).
    Section 139(1)(g) and (n) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to direct the Collectors to obtain prior approval of the Government for granting F. L. III licencees under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953. This notification directed the Collectors to obtain prior approval of the Government for granting F. L. III licencees under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 in the State. However, this notification has been revoked by G.N. of 17-2-1989.
    103. Appointing certain officers of Prohibi-
    tion and Excise to perform functions
    of the Forms F.L. X-C and F.L. X-D
    under Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules,
    Section 4(3) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to appoint certain officers of Prohibition and Excise to perform functions of the Forms F.L. X-C and F.L. X-D under Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953. This notification appointed certain officers of Prohibition and Excise to perform functions of the Forms F.L. X-C and F.L. X-D under Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 in the State.
    104. Appointing certain officers of Prohibi-
    tion and Excise to exercise powers and
    perform functions of Collectors to
    issue passes for transport-in-bond or
    export-in-bond for I.M.F.L.

    Section 4(3) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to appoint certain officers of Prohibition and Excise to exercise powers and perform functions of Collectors to issue passes for transport-in-bond or export-in-bond for I.M.F.L. This notification appointed certain officers of Prohibition and Excise 105. Authorising the Director and
    Assistant Director Government of
    India Tourist Office, Bombay to
    Grant tourist’s permits.
    Article 258-A of Constitution

    Section 6(2) of the Bombay Foreign
    Liquor Rules, 1953 gives the
    State Government the power to
    authorise the Director and
    Assistant Director Government of
    India Tourist Office, Bombay to
    Grant tourist’s permits. This
    notification authorised the Director
    and Assistant Director Government
    of India Tourist Office, Bombay to
    Grant tourist’s permits in the
    105-A Investing the Manager and
    the Accountant of the Royal Bombay
    Seamen’s Society with powers to
    grant visitors permits.
    Section 6(2) of the Bombay Foreign
    Liquor Rules, 1953 gives the
    State Government the power to
    invest the Manager and the
    Accountant of the Royal Bombay
    Seamen’s Society with powers to
    grant visitors permits. This
    notification invested the Manager
    and the Accountant of the Royal
    Bombay Seamen’s Society with
    powers to grant visitors permits
    in the State.
    CHAPTER X - (E) Exemptions and Remittances
    106. Exempting the Managers of M/s. Taj
    Mahal and M/s. Greens Hotel, Bombay
    from observance of certain provisions
    of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules,
    Section 139(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt the Managers of M/s. Taj Mahal and M/s. Greens Hotel, Bombay from observance of certain provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953. This notification exempts the Managers of M/s. Taj Mahal and M/s. Greens Hotel, Bombay from observance of certain provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 in the State.
    107. Exempting the Trustees of the Port of
    Bombay from certain provision of
    Section 12(c) and (d).
    Section 139(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt the Trustees of the Port of Bombay from certain provisions of Section 12(c) and (d). This notification exempts the Trustees of the Port of Bombay from certain provisions of Section 12(c) and (d) in the State.
    108. Remitting wholly the fees leviable on
    foreign liquor imported by holders of
    special permits holders under
    Section 46-A, upto 750 ml. (18)
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit wholly the fees leviable on foreign liquor imported by holders of special permits holders under Section 46-A, upto 750 ml. This notification remits wholly the fees leviable on foreign liquor imported by holders of special permits holders under Section 46-A, upto 750 ml in the State.
    109. Exempting certain liquor permit holders
    and certain licenses, from provisions
    of the Act and certain rules, in respect
    of foreign liquor.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt certain liquor permit holders and certain licenses, from provisions of the Act and certain rules, in respect of foreign liquor. This notification exempts certain liquor permit holders and certain licenses, from provisions of the Act and certain rules, in respect of foreign liquor in the State.
    110. Exempting persons eligible for permits
    under Section 41 or 46-A and visit the
    State as State Guest, from observance
    of certain provisions of the Act and
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt persons eligible for permits under Section 41 or 46-A and visit the State as State Guest, from observance of certain provisions of the Act and rules. This notification exempts persons eligible for permits under Section 41 or 46-A and visit the State as State Guest, from observance of certain provisions of the Act and rules in the State.
    111. Exempting certain categories of permit
    holders from observance of provisions
    of the Act so far they relate of offering
    of liquor to other permit holders etc.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt certain categories of permit holders from observance of provisions of the Act so far they relate to offering of liquor to other permit holders etc. This notification exempts certain categories of permit holders from observance of provisions of the Act so far they relate to offering of liquor to other permit holders etc. in the State.
    112. Exempting Hotel Licensees from certain
    provisions of the Director’s regulations
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gave the State Government the power to exempt Hotel Licensees from certain provisions of the Director's regulations. This notification exempted Hotel Licensees from certain provisions of the Director's regulations in the State. However, this notification has been repealed.
    113. Exempting persons eligible for Special
    Permits under section 41 and visiting
    the State for not more than 10 days,
    from, certain provisions of the
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt persons eligible for Special Permits under section 41 and visiting the State for not more than 10 days, from certain provisions of the Act. This notification exempts persons eligible for Special Permits under section 41 and visiting the State for not more than 10 days, from certain provisions of the Act in the State.
    114. Exempting the Officer-in-charge of the
    shops at Santa Cruz Air Port and
    In-transit and outgoing passengers
    from certain provisions of the Act
    subject to certain conditions.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt the Officer-in-charge of the shops at Santa Cruz Air Port and In-transit and outgoing passengers from certain provisions of the Act subject to certain conditions. This notification exempts the Officer-in-charge of the shops at Santa Cruz Air Port and In-transit and outgoing passengers from certain provisions of the Act subject to certain conditions in the State.
    115. Exempting holders of Vendors, Hotel
    and Club licences under the Bombay
    Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 from
    certain provisions of their licence
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt holders of Vendors, Hotel and Club licences under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 from certain provisions of their licence conditions. This notification exempts holders of Vendors, Hotel and Club licences under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 from certain provisions of their licence conditions in the State.
    116. Exempting person who is not a citizen
    of India from certain provisions of
    the Act and exempting holders of
    Vendor’s, Trade and Import, Hotel and
    Club licences from provisions of the
    Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953,
    relating to sale of foreign liquor.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt person who is not a citizen of India from certain provisions of the Act and exempting holders of Vendor's, Trade and Import, Hotel and Club licences from provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, relating to sale of foreign liquor. This notification exempts person who is not a citizen of India from certain provisions of the Act and exempting holders of Vendor's, Trade and Import, Hotel and Club licences from provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, relating to sale of foreign liquor in the State.
    117. Exempting the Manager, Aurangabad
    Hotel of Government of India Tourism
    Development Corporation from
    requirement of payment of deposit. (19)
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt the Manager, Aurangabad Hotel of Government of India Tourism Development Corporation from requirement of payment of deposit. This notification exempts the Manager, Aurangabad Hotel of Government of India Tourism Development Corporation from requirement of payment of deposit in the State.
    118. Exempting Star Hotels, holding licences
    in Form F.L.III, from certain provisions
    of the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor
    (Sale on Cash, Register of Sales etc.)
    Rules, 1969 and the Special Permits
    and Licences Rules, 1952.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt Star Hotels, holding licences in Form F.L.III, from certain provisions of the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Sale on Cash, Register of Sales etc.) Rules, 1969 and the Special Permits and Licences Rules, 1952. This notification exempts Star Hotels, holding licences in Form F.L.III, from certain provisions of the Maharashtra Foreign Liquor (Sale on Cash, Register of Sales etc.) Rules, 1969 and the Special Permits and Licences Rules, 1952 in the State.
    118-A Exempting the Three Star, Four Star,
    and Five Star Hotels & Restaurent
    approved by Tourism Deptt. of Govt.
    of India from the operation of sub-rule
    (1C) of rule 45 of Bombay Foreign
    Liqour Rules, 1953.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt the Three Star, Four Star, and Five Star Hotels & Restaurent approved by Tourism Deptt. of Govt. of India from the operation of sub-rule (1C) of rule 45 of Bombay Foreign Liqour Rules, 1953. This notification exempts the Three Star, Four Star, and Five Star Hotels & Restaurent approved by Tourism Deptt. of Govt. of India from the operation of sub-rule (1C) of rule 45 of Bombay Foreign Liqour Rules, 1953 in the State.
    119. Exempting Import, transport etc. of
    Fenny and / or Wine.

    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt Import, transport etc. of Fenny and / or Wine. This notification exempts Import, transport etc. of Fenny and / 120. Remission of Special Fee on Concen-
    trates of Foreign Liquor imported
    across Customs Frontier.
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit Special Fee on Concentrates of Foreign Liquor imported across Customs Frontier. This notification remits Special Fee on Concentrates of Foreign Liquor imported across Customs Frontier in the State.
    121. Remission of Special Fee on Concen-
    trates of Wine or Bulk Wine imported
    across Customs Frontier.
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit Special Fee on Concentrates of Wine or Bulk Wine imported across Customs Frontier. This notification remits Special Fee on Concentrates of Wine or Bulk Wine imported across Customs Frontier in the State.
    122. Remission of Excise Duty for the
    Wineries of the State on wines
    produced without addition of alcohol
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit Excise Duty for the Wineries of the State on wines produced without addition of alcohol. This notification remits Excise Duty for the Wineries of the State on wines produced without addition of alcohol in the State.
    Amendment 122 B
    Amendment 122 C
    Amendment 122 D
    CHAPTER X - (F) Armed Forces
    123. Authorising certain Armed Forces
    Officers to grant passes for transport
    and export of foreign liquor subject to
    certain conditions.
    Section 28 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise certain officers of the Armed Forces to grant passes for the transport and export of foreign liquor subject to certain conditions. This notification authorises certain officers of the Armed Forces to grant passes for the transport and export of foreign liquor in the State.
    124. Permitting, subject to certain conditions,
    sale of foreign liquor to and the use or
    consumption of such liquor by the
    members of the Armed Forces in
    military or naval messes and canteens.
    Section 39 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to permit, subject to certain conditions, the sale of foreign liquor to and the use or consumption of such liquor by the members of the Armed Forces in military or naval messes and canteens. This notification permits, subject to certain conditions, the sale of foreign liquor to and the use or consumption of such liquor by the members of the Armed Forces in military or naval messes and canteens in the State.
    125. Military Vendor’s licensees are
    permitted to sell foreign liquor to
    military and naval messes and canteens
    although such canteens/messes may
    not hold licence.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to permit military vendor's licensees to sell foreign liquor to military and naval messes and canteens even if such canteens/messes do not hold a licence. This notification permits military vendor's licensees to sell foreign liquor to military and naval messes and canteens in the State.
    126. Prescribing licence for import, export,
    transport of I.M.F.L. (Rum) or sale by
    Officers Commanding to Army or
    Naval Supply Depots or Victualling
    Yard. (20)
    Section 139(b) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prescribe a licence for the import, export, transport of I.M.F.L. (Rum) or sale by Officers Commanding to Army or Naval Supply Depots or Victualling Yard. This notification prescribes a licence for the import, export, transport of I.M.F.L. (Rum) or sale by Officers Commanding to Army or Naval Supply Depots or Victualling Yard in the State.
    127. Exempting Officers Commanding of
    Armed Forces from provisions of G.N.,
    R. D. No. PRT 1857 / 169563, dated
    18th October, 1958 in certain respect
    and from payment of excise duty.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt Officers Commanding of the Armed Forces from the provisions of G.N., R.D. No. PRT 1857/169563, dated 18th October, 1958 in certain respects and from payment of excise duty. This notification exempts Officers Commanding of the Armed Forces from the provisions of G.N., R.D. No. PRT 1857/169563, dated 18th October, 1958 in certain respects and from payment of excise duty in the State.
    128. Subject to certain conditions, remitting
    excise duty in excess of Rs. 20.00 per
    proof litre of alcohol contents of I. M.
    F. L. (Rum) supplied to armed forces.
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit, subject to certain conditions, the excise duty in excess of Rs. 20.00 per proof litre of alcohol contents of I.M.F.L. (Rum) supplied to armed forces. This notification remits, subject to certain conditions, the excise duty in excess of Rs. 20.00 per proof litre of alcohol contents of I.M.F.L. (Rum) supplied to armed forces in the State.
    129. Remitting excise duty in excess of the
    rate mentioned in the Schedule, on
    foreign liquor supplied to Armed
    Forces, through M/s. Canteen Stores
    Department (I). (i. e. rates of excise
    duty charged to armed forces).
    Section 139(1)(d1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to remit the excise duty in excess of the rate mentioned in the Schedule, on foreign liquor supplied to Armed Forces, through M/s. Canteen Stores Department (I). This notification remits the excise duty in excess of the rate mentioned in the Schedule, on foreign liquor supplied to Armed Forces, through M/s. Canteen Stores Department (I) in the State.
    130. Exempting Ex-Servicemen from certain
    provisions of the Bombay Foreign
    Liquor Rules, 1953
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt Ex-Servicemen from certain provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953. This notification exempts Ex-Servicemen from certain provisions of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953 in the State.
    CHAPTER XI - Maximum Retail Price and Excise Duties. CHAPTER XII- Sacramental Wine. CHAPTER XIII - Blood Test
    136. The Bombay Prohibition (Medical Examination and Blood Test) Rules, 1959.
    Section 143(2) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to make rules for the medical examination and blood test of persons suspected of having consumed intoxicating substances. These rules prescribe the procedure for the medical examination and blood test of such persons.
    137. Appointing Officers to test blood forwarded to them by the authorised Medical practitioners.
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to appoint officers to test blood forwarded to them by the authorised medical practitioners. This notification appoints officers to test blood forwarded to them by the authorised medical practitioners.
    138. Empowering officers of Prohibitions and Excise Department of exercise powers under section 129A (1).
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to empower officers of the Prohibitions and Excise Department to exercise powers under section 129A(1). This notification empowers officers of the Prohibitions and Excise Department to exercise powers under section 129A(1).
    139. Authorising R. M. Ps. of State Government allopathic hospitals and dispensaries for the purpose of Section 129A(1).
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of State Government allopathic hospitals and dispensaries to exercise powers under section 129A(1). This notification authorises RMPs of State Government allopathic hospitals and dispensaries to exercise powers under section 129A(1).
    140. Authorising R. M. Ps. of (1) Khan Bahadur Hospital, Kurla and (2) Khurshedji Beharamji Bhabha Hospital, Bandra for the purpose of Section 129 A(1).
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of (1) Khan Bahadur Hospital, Kurla and (2) Khurshedji Beharamji Bhabha Hospital, Bandra to exercise powers under section 129A(1). This notification authorises RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129A(1).
    141. Authorising all R. M. Ps. of Zilla Parishads hospitals and dispensaries for the purpose of Section 129A(1).
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of all Zilla Parishads hospitals and dispensaries in the State to exercise powers under section 129A(1). This notification authorises RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129A(1).
    142. Authorising all R. M. Ps. of Municipal dispensaries in the State for the purpose of section 129A(1).
    Section 129A(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of all Municipal dispensaries in the State to exercise powers under section 129A(1). This notification authorises RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129A(1).
    143. Authorising all female R. M. Ps. of State Government hospitals and dispensaries for the purpose of Section 129A(4).
    Section 129A(4) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise female registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of all State Government hospitals and dispensaries in the State to exercise powers under section 129A(4). This notification authorises female RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129A(4).
    144. Authorising all female R. M. Ps. of (1) Khan Bahadur Bhabha Hospital, Kurla and (2) Khurshedji Beharamji Bhabha Hospital, Bandra for the purpose of Section 129A(4).
    Section 129A(4) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise female registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of (1) Khan Bahadur Bhabha Hospital, Kurla and (2) Khurshedji Beharamji Bhabha Hospital, Bandra in the State to exercise powers under section 129A(4). This notification authorises female RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129A(4).
    145. Authorising all female R.M.Ps. of Zilla Parishads hospitals and dispensaries in the State for the purpose of Section 129 (A) (4).
    Section 129 (A) (4) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise female registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of all Zilla Parishads hospitals and dispensaries in the State to exercise powers under section 129 (A) (4). This notification authorises female RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129 (A) (4).
    146. Authorising all female R. M. Ps. of Municipal dispensaries in the State for the purpose of Section 129 A (4).
    Section 129 A (4) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to authorise female registered medical practitioners (RMPs) of all Municipal dispensaries in the State to exercise powers under section 129 A (4). This notification authorises female RMPs of these hospitals to exercise powers under section 129 A (4).
    CHAPTER XIV- Intoxicating Drug.
    147. Declaring certain substances as
    intoxicating drugs.
    Section 2(23)(d) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to declare certain substances as intoxicating drugs. This notification declares certain substances as intoxicating drugs.
    148. Prescribing rates of excise duty on
    opium, Ganja and Bhang.
    Section 105 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prescribe the rates of excise duty on opium, Ganja and Bhang. This notification prescribes the rates of excise duty on opium, Ganja and Bhang.
    149. Exempting persons holding ‘ opium
    permits’ issued by the concerned
    State Excise Authorities and visiting
    the State of Maharashtra, from certain
    provisions of Sections 17 (a) (b) (c)
    and (e) and 105 (1) (c).
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt certain persons from certain provisions of the Act. This notification exempts persons holding ‘opium permits’ issued by the concerned State Excise Authorities and visiting the State of Maharashtra, from certain provisions of Sections 17 (a) (b) (c) and (e) and 105 (1) (c).
    150. Exempting the principal, Ayurved
    Mahavidhyalaya, Pune from provisions
    of Section 14 (b) in respect of
    cultivation and collection of bhang.
    Section 139(1)(c) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to exempt certain persons from certain provisions of the Act. This notification exempts the principal, Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya, Pune from provisions of Section 14(b) in respect of cultivation and collection of bhang.
    151. Entrusting certain officers of the
    Naracotic Department of the
    Government of India, the functions
    under Section.
    Article 258-A of the Constitution of India gives the Central Government the power to entrust certain officers of the Narcotic Department of the Government of India, with the functions under Section 105 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. This notification entrusts certain officers of the Narcotic Department of the Government of India, with the functions under Section 105 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
    152. The Ganja and Bhang Rules, 1953
    The Ganja and Bhang Rules, 1953 were framed under Section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. These rules were repealed in 1961.
    153. The Bombay Opium Rules, 1953
    The Bombay Opium Rules, 1953 were framed under Sections 49 and 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. These rules were repealed in 1961.
    154. The Maharashtra Poppy Capsules
    Rules,1961 (Repealed.)
    The Maharashtra Poppy Capsules Rules, 1961 were framed under Section 143(2) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. These rules were repealed in 1961.
    155. The Bombay Prohibition (Drugs Permit)
    Medical Board Rules, 1954. (Repealed).
    The Bombay Prohibition (Drugs Permit) Medical Board Rules, 1954 were framed under Section 143(2) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. These rules were repealed in 1961.
    156. Methanol and Chloral Hydrate to be
    intoxicant for the purpose of the
    Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949
    (Cancelled w.e.f. due of its publication).
    Section 2(23)(d) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to declare certain substances as intoxicating drugs. This notification declared Methanol and Chloral Hydrate as intoxicating drugs for the purpose of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. However, this notification was cancelled with effect from the date of its publication.
    CHAPTER XV- Comman Notifications & Orders.
    157. The Bombay Prohibition (Privileges
    Fees) Rules, 1954.
    Section 143(2)(u) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 provides for the levy of fees for the grant of certain privileges under the Act. These rules prescribe the fees that are to be levied for the grant of these privileges.
    158. Prescribing Special Passes for the
    import / export / transport of
    intoxicants / hemp / mhowra flowers/
    Sections 143 and 53 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 give the State Government the power to prescribe special passes for the import, export, or transport of intoxicating substances. These rules prescribe the conditions under which such passes may be issued.
    159. Prohibiting employment of certain
    category of persons by holders of
    licences for sale of intoxicants
    mhowra flowers or molasses. [Superceded by the following
    Section 143(2)(i) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prohibit the employment of certain categories of persons by holders of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances. These rules prohibited the employment of certain categories of persons by holders of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances, including persons who had been convicted of certain offences under the Act.
    160. Regulation of Employment by the
    Licence-Holders rules, 1996
    Section 143(2)(i) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to regulate the employment of persons by holders of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances. These rules regulate the employment of persons by holders of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances, including the requirement for holders of licences to obtain the prior permission of the licensing authority before employing certain categories of persons.
    161. Prohibiting the grant of certain
    licences in Wardha district from
    25thApril, 1975.
    Section 139(1)(a) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prohibit the grant of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in certain areas. This notification prohibits the grant of certain licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in Wardha district from 25th April, 1975.
    162. Prohibition in Gadchiroli District.
    Section 139(1)(a) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prohibit the grant of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in certain areas. This notification prohibits the grant of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in Gadchiroli district.
    163. Prohibiting the grant of permits for S. 139 (1) (a) foreign liquor and country liquor in Forms F.L.X-B and C.L. XXIV respectively.
    Section 139(1)(a) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prohibit the grant of permits for the sale of foreign liquor and country liquor in Forms F.L.X-B and C.L. XXIV respectively. This notification prohibits the grant of permits for the sale of foreign liquor and country liquor in Forms F.L.X-B and C.L. XXIV respectively.
    164. The Bombay Prohibition (Restriction on Grant of Licences) Order, 1980. (n) 165. The Bombay Prohibition (Restriction on Renewal or Re-grant of Licences) Order, 1980. (n) 166. Prohibiting the grant of certain licences in Tribal Areas of the State.
    Section 139(1)(a) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to prohibit the grant of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in certain areas. This notification prohibits the grant of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in Tribal Areas of the State.
    167. Exempting tribals, residing in Tribal Areas from certain operations of and (d) Sections 12 and 13 (b) and (c) in respect of their own local traditional drinks brewed etc. 168. The Maharashtra Through Transport Rules, 1997. Ss. 143 (2) and 29. 169. Exempting from provisions of Section 105, the excisable articles transported in accordance with the provisions of the Maharashtra Through Transport Rules, 1962. 170. Exempting advertisements of certain S. 24 (2) (d) intoxicants from operation of Section 24(1)(a). 171. Exempting certain intoxicants from S.139 (d) provisions of Sections 12 (c) and (d) and 13(b). 172. Certain preparations containing alcohol S.25 upto certain percentage are exempted from certain provisions of various sections of the Act. 173. Elimination of pies in the recovery of S.143 Excise Revenue. 174. The Bombay Prohibition Consficated S.144 (1) (i) or Forfeited Articles (Disposal) Regulations, 1953. 175. The Bombay Prohibition Intoxicants S.144 (1) (h) (Destruction) Regulations, 1954. 176. Prescribing licence for sale of Rotten S.139 (b) Gur or/and rotten dates. (Cancelled). 177. The Bombay Prohibition (Closure of S.139 (1) (2) Licence on Resolution by the Village Panchayat or Gram Sabha or Women / Social Organisation or Representation by Voters in the village or ward of Municipal Council / Corporation) Order, 2003. [Superceded by following Order]
    Superceded by notification 25 March 2008 178. The Bombay Prohibition (Closure of S.139 (1) (2) Licence on Resolution by Gram Sabha or Representation by Voters in the war of Municipal Council/ Corporation) Order, 2008. 179. The Maharashtra Potable Liquor
    (Periodicity and Fees for Grant,
    Renewal or Continuance of Licences)
    Rules, 1996.
    Sections 143, 53, and 49 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 give the State Government the power to prescribe the periodicity and fees for the grant, renewal, or continuance of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances. These rules prescribe the periodicity and fees for the grant, renewal, or continuance of licences for the sale of intoxicating substances in the State of Maharashtra.
    CHAPTER XVI- Powers
    180. Investing Officers of the various
    Departments with powers under various
    Sections of the Act.
    Section 6 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to invest officers with powers under the Act. This notification invests officers of various departments with powers under various sections of the Act.
    181. Authorising various officers of various
    Departments to exercise powers,
    discharge duties and perform functions
    under various Sections of the Act.
    Sections 28, 30, 31, 32, etc. of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 give the State Government the power to authorize officers to exercise powers, discharge duties and perform functions under the Act. This notification authorizes various officers of various departments to exercise powers, discharge duties and perform functions under various sections of the Act.
    182. Delegating powers under certain
    Sections of the Act to the Commissioner and the Collectors, including
    powers under Section 104.
    Section 10 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to delegate powers under certain sections of the Act to the Commissioner and the Collectors. This notification delegates powers under certain sections of the Act to the Commissioner and the Collectors, including powers under Section 104.
    183. Empowering all salaried Presidency
    Magistrates under Section 93 of the
    Section 93 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to empower all salaried Presidency Magistrates under Section 93 of the Act. This notification empowers all salaried Presidency Magistrates under Section 93 of the Act.
    184. Specifying the rank of Prohibition
    Officer for the purpse of Section 127 (1)
    Section 127(1) of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to specify the rank of Prohibition Officer for the purpose of Section 127(1). This notification specifies the rank of Prohibition Officer for the purpose of Section 127(1).
    185. Appointing Additional Collectors to
    exercise all powers and to perform
    all duties or functions assigned to
    Collectors, under the Act.
    Section 4 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to appoint Additional Collectors to exercise all powers and to perform all duties or functions assigned to Collectors, under the Act. This notification appoints Additional Collectors to exercise all powers and to perform all duties or functions assigned to Collectors, under the Act.
    186. Investing Officers of Police and
    Prohibition Departments with powers
    under Sections 100 and 101 of the Act
    Sections 100 and 101 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 give the State Government the power to invest officers of Police and Prohibition Departments with powers under those sections. This notification invests officers of Police and Prohibition Departments with powers under Sections 100 and 101 of the Act.
    CHAPTER XVII- Appeals and Revisions.
    187. The Bombay Prohibition (Appeal) Rules, 1953.
    Section 143 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 provides for the filing and hearing of appeals against orders passed under the Act. These rules lay down the procedure for filing and hearing such appeals.
    188. Investing the Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport), In-charge of Prohibition Division, with all powers, duties and functions of the State Government under Sections 137 (1), (2) and 138.
    Section 137 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 gives the State Government the power to delegate its powers to any officer. This notification delegates all the powers of the State Government under Sections 137 (1), (2) and 138 of the Act to the Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport), In-charge of Prohibition Division.
    189. Investing Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport) with the powers, under Sections 54(3), 137 (1) , (2) and 138.
    Sections 54(3) and 137 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 give the State Government the power to appoint officers to exercise certain powers under the Act. This notification appoints the Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport) to exercise the powers under Sections 54(3), 137 (1) , (2) and 138 of the Act.
    190. Discontinuation of powers of Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport) under Sections 54(3), 137 (1), (2) and 138.
    This notification discontinues the powers of the Secretary to the Government, Home Department (Transport) under Sections 54(3), 137 (1), (2) and 138 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.



                   मुलतः मद्य पेयाचे नियमन हा गुंतागुंतीचा कालानुरुप स्वरुप बदलणारा विषय असुन सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक आणि आर्थिक बाबींच्या अनुषंगाने त्यात वेळोवेळी सुधारणा होणे क्रमप्राप्त ठरते. सर्व बाबी प्रिंट स्वरुपात छापुनही त्यात तद्नंतरचा होणारा बदल त्या स्वरुपाला कालबाह्य करतो. तसेच त्याला शासनाचे मा. आयुक्त महोदयांचे आदेशांची सांगड घालणे कठीण असते. या सर्व अडचणींचा विचार करुन तसेच वेळोवेळी शासनाचे मा. आयुक्तांचे अधिसुचना, आदेश व परिपत्रके यांच्या सोबतच मा. न्यायालयांचे आदेश इत्यादींमुळे दारुबंदी अधिनियम त्याअंतर्गत असलेल्या नियमांमध्ये लागु होणारे बदल समायोजित करुन Just Click वर Digital Excise Manual द्वारे उपलब्ध करुन देण्यात येत आहे. हा डिजिटल कंटेंट निरंतर अद्यावत होणार असल्याने त्यामध्ये सहकारींचे अनुभव ब्लॉग द्वारे अथवा ट्रेनिंग मटेरीअल द्वारे सामाविष्ट करता येईल. तसेच या वेबसाईट वर उपलब्ध नसलेले आदेश देखील सामाविष्ट करता येतील त्याकरीता खालील ईमेलवर संपर्क साधुन त्यांना आपले नावानिशी यात महत्वपुर्ण योगदान देता येईल

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